Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Sunday

Hi everyone. Happy Sunday Salon. I hope everyone is enjoying thier Sunday. I am currently reading:

The Wildest Heart by Rosemary Rogers. It's very good so far, a historical romance. At over 700 pages, it's a chunkster, but it reads quickly.

If you haven't done so already, don't forget to check out my book giveaway.

You can win a copy of Willoughby’s Return by Jane Odiwe. click here for details

Coming this week:

Tomorrow i'll be reviewing a film I recently watched called Camille. It stars James Franco and Sienna Miller. It's a love story with a twist, I enjoyed it.

Also coming this week, my review of The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold.

This was a sad, heartrenching read and I'm glad I read it. It's my second time reading Alice Sebold. The film version is coming out next month and it does look good.

I'll leave you with a few photos of Diego and his new 'cousin' Archie. My sister recently got Archie, a toy Morkie (which is a Maltese and Yorkie mix). Archie is a sweet little playful guy. Meanwhile, my chi Diego, is the more reserved quiet type lol. But the two have been getting along well. It's hard to get a picture of them together, especially since Archie is a little speeding bullet. And he makes Diego (5pounds) look big. So you can imagine how tiny Archie is.

Here's my Diego, looking snooty

Here's Archie, he's a real sweetie too.

Here they are playing:

At one point, Archie decided he needed to take Diego's sweater off. No matter what, he kept jumping up and grabbing the hood. Diego was a good sport about it :)

Archie & Diego, new BFF's :)

Enjoy your Sunday everyone. what are you up to today?


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