Hello blogging friends. I'm back from my vacation. We just got back last night from BEAUTIFUL Dorado, Puerto Rico. 10 days on the island was the perfect getaway.
How is everyone doing? I'll be visiting your blogs this weekend and playing catch up. Thank you for the comments you all left on my last post.
I'll bore you with some vacation photos...Bear with me, I look pretty messed up in my photos...lol..mostly due to the 100+ degree weather and such heavy humidity that my hair wouldn't hold it's curl.
Here I am on the plane ride going to P.R. That smile on my face is only because of the Xanax my doc prescribed. I am terrified of flying and was very nervous about the 4 hour flight.

Our villa had it's own private beach and pool. It was wonderful getting up in the morning and walking down to the beach and just lounging all day, with no set schedules. Heavenly, really.
Here's hubby looking out at the water.

One of my favorite things about Puerto Rico was the great food. We'd wake up and go get fresh warm bread from the bakery with coffee for breakfast. Then we'd set off for the beach.
We would eat lunch by the beach and take a break from the sun.
Hubby ordered his favorite, Spanish style skirt steak with fried plantains. Yummy!

This was a nice spot, tropical music playing in the background, a view of the beach and great food. Plus a yummy Pina Colada :)

Most of my family lives in Puerto Rico, so we got to see a few of them and it was nice to see cousins, aunts and uncles after so long. It was great to get some home cooked Puerto Rican food as well. They also got us a cake. It says 'Happy Vacationing' in Spanish.

While at my aunts house, my son of course began his search for lizards. Here he is holding one. There are alot of these lizards over there.

Another thing you see alot of in Puerto Rico, are roosters. They just hang out in the backyard.
One thing I reallly missed while on vacation, was my Diego! Here he is cuddling up for his belly rub after we got back home. He was so happy to see us, he gave us all kisses. My mom dog-sat for me, and she already called me today to tell me she misses Diego...lol. She says he's like 'a little person and is really good company'.

That's all for now. I'll probably use some of my beach photos for my Wordless Wednesday posts. And I'll be blog hopping this weekend to see what everyone has been up to :) I took Dean Koontz 'Relentless' along with me on vaca, but I didn't get much reading done. I think I read about 30 pages.
Enjoy your Friday!