Big shoutout to my Aunty Ciara who has read my blog *applause* thanks! Haha :D
But yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah,
Today I realised how utterly gross my school uniform is. It consists of a blue kilt, a navy potato sack of a jumper and also a nice hoodie, that resembles a bin bag.
But then I looked at other schools' uniforms, and tbh mine is actually pretty grand compared to some aka. The Brown Uniforms... oh no. I pity you's.
Moving on, tomorrow is the beginning of my midterm. CAN I GET WOOWOO?! ;0
I. Cannot. Waittttttttttttttttttt.
Halloween is next Saturday, I am still in need on getting a pirate hat but Dad said he might make me one, fingers crossed!
I am currently loving the style from Pretty Woman. (If you have not seen this movie, I advise you do, NOW!) It's oh-so 80s! I grew up watching that movie, as it's my Mum's favourite! I just loooove the fashion in it, all the hairstyle are cool too! (:
Yesterday I got a new dress and blazer! I got this AMAZING khaki coloured, ruffle skirt dress in Penneys... on sale! AMAZINGGG! The blazer is navy and white striped with amazing vintage looking buttons, I got it from TK Maxx! (:
Ciao for now xo