Sunday, February 28, 2010
Because of you, in gardens of blossoming flowers I ache from the perfumes of spring.
I have forgotten your face, I no longer remember your hands; how did your lips feel on mine?
Because of you, I love the white statues drowsing in the parks, the white statues that have neither voice nor sight.
I have forgotten your voice, your happy voice; I have forgotten your eyes.
Like a flower to its perfume, I am bound to my vague memory of you. I live with pain that is like a wound; if you touch me, you will do me irreparable harm.
Your caresses enfold me, like climbing vines on melancholy walls.
I have forgotten your love, yet I seem to glimpse you in every window.
Because of you, the heady perfumes of summer pain me; because of you, I again seek out the signs that precipitate desires: shooting stars, falling objects.
-Pablo Neruda
This is another Neruda poem that just takes my breath away.
Like a flower to its perfume, I am bound to my vague memory of you.
There's pain and beauty to it, like in all of his work. What do you think of this one?
Labels: pablo neruda, poetry
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Good morning blog friends. It's hard to believe that February has come and gone. I'm glad though, as I've been eagerly waiting for Spring to arrive. My reading for February wasn't so great. I only read 5 books. I need to step it up if I'm going to make my 100 books read goal for the year. The thing with me is I get antsy if I sit and read for too long. I have like a one hour reading limit, then I need a break. These are the books I read this month, I'm working on the reviews for the last two.
1. The Boleyn Inheritance
2. Motley Crue: The Dirt - Confessions of the World's Most Notorious Rock Band
3. Are You There, Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea
4. Dear John
5. A Circle of Souls
How was your reading for February? Do you have any set goals for the year?
I'll leave you 'Somewhere Over The Rainbow', sung by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole, it's one of my all time favorite songs. Enjoy your weekend :)
Labels: monthly wrap up post
Friday, February 26, 2010
Often people ask me where I developed my love of fashion and people question whether it's genuine or if I'm just doing this to 'fit in'. I can't stress enough that I'm not, as I was exposed to fashion at such a young age all thank to my Nana.
People who know me well, know how much I adore this woman. My Nana is my idol, my rock, my life.. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her. Growing up I used to get with drawl symptoms when I was going home, after staying a weekend with my Nana. I still do. I cherish every moment I spend with her.
Growing up I was always 'aware' of Chanel, as my Nana would always wear the famous Chanel No.5. It's my favourite perfume to this day, probably due to the fact it reminds me of my Nana and brings back childhood memories. As I was growing up, my Nana encouraged me to dress the 'way I want'. She would say catchy little quotes like 'Fashion fades, style remains', later on I would find out she was actually quoting one of her idols, Coco Chanel.
John, My Grandad is just brilliant. I've called John, John.. since I was a child. For reasons I still aren't aware of haha. I thought all Grandad's up to the age of around 7, were called 'John'. Anyways, I admire this man so much. I take after my Dad in a lot of ways, and my Dad takes after John. If you read my blog about my Grandad's band, you would see what a true star he is! Apart from being a genius at guitar, he can speak fluent Italian and Latin and can quote off any Shakespeare play at the top of his head. He is a genius. He is also a well-known artist, he paints pub scenes and he has work on display all over the world. He is a typical artist, his head is always in the clouds - something I myself, am very used to haha.
My Nana, my Aunty Ciara and my Mother all have a huge interest in Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn, growing up watching all their movies and seeing pictures of them around the house, made me idolize them myself. I began watching their movies and developing a huge interest in the 1950s era.
My Nana has got 'it', everyone comments on her fabulous outifts and at how wonderful she looks for a woman of her age. She just has style, something that comes naturally to her. Matching her lipstick and nail-polish, adding a brooch here and there, she's got it. My Nana's Mother was a seamstress, and had a huge interest in clothes making and style herself. She made most of my Nana's and her siblings' outfits, including my Nana wedding dress and the bridesmaid's dresses. As my Nana says, her Mother had 'that extra touch'. She wouldn't just make a plain shift dress. She would add detail to the sleeves, match that detail onto a matching pair of gloves etc.
I was in my Nana's house at the weekend and took some photo's of her house and her back in her day, haha. Her house was the first house I was ever in, in my life. It holds my happiest memories there, and I feel safest there.
Well, as I hoped for yesterday, I got my snow day and stood home today from work. It's snowed about 2 feet here, and the white stuff is still falling. Please, let this be the last of our winter snowstorms this year. The pic above is of the trees in my backyard. I do love the look of untouched snow. It's picturesque.
I've spent some time cuddled up on the couch drinking coffee and finishing up Dear John. My review will be up next week. I enjoyed this one, but I didn't love it. I found my self saying 'awwwwww' quite a few times while reading. It's my first time reading Sparks and I would like to read him again.
Now, onto a meme I was tagged for by Ms M. It's called the Book Boyfriend Meme.
Here's the rules:
We all have our favourite book boyfriends and now you have the chance to create one just for yourself and your fantasies! How do you play? Fill out the quiz below, post a picture of a sexy man and tag five (5) other book addicts to do the same. Don't forget to pop to their blogs as let them know they have been tagged! Once tagged... you have to do the same, grab the button, answer the questions, and keep it rolling! But don't forget the picture of the sexy man! It doesn't have to match your fantasy man, just a little eye candy for the rest of us'.
Okay, so for the purpose of book blogging...here's My Ideal Book Boyfriend ... I cooked him up during this snowstorm today and i've included visuals to enhance the effect.
Hair Color & Style: Slighty shaggy, dark haired, tousled look, not long enough for a ponytail though, I hate ponytails on men.
Eye Color & Facial Features: Any eye color is fine. Facial hair is a must, I like stubble. Juicy lips. (see Jonathan Rhys Myers)

Height & Body Type: Around 5"10-6"3 Lean and muscular, but natural looking muscles, not too chiseled. He's in great shape. Great arms are a must. Nice butt too. He looks great in a suit when we're going out someplace special, but also looks yummy in jeans and a tee-shirt.

Visible Age: 30-45
Bangability: Very.

Human or Other: Human. Otherwise it would get too complicated.
Paranormal Skills: Nah. None needed. But he can really kick butt in a fight. He's a bad boy with a good heart.
Interests: Mostly me. He's also got to enjoy running and hiking, so we can go together. He's the outdoorsy, spontaneous type. He's also got an interesting hobby that delivers unique results, like glass blowing or woodcarving.

He rides a motorcycle and does karate, blackbelt.
He also enjoys reading and is a true intellect. We have intellectually stimulating conversations all the time.
Special Skills: Plays the guitar, sings and quotes poetry.

He can cook well and is great with the grill. He gives excellent massages and is a wonderful listener. A great sense of humor is a must. He watches the ocassional chic-flick with me and doesn't complain about it. He speaks a foreign language and has a sexy accent.
He's a fabulous dancer. He enjoys cuddling.

I won't tag anyone, but feel free to play along if you like! Happy Friday everyone :)

Labels: meme
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Happy Thursday everyone. I thought i'd include a few photos with my post today. Here's one of my chicken nugget, Diego, lounging on my daughters bed. I took this photo yesterday, and he just laid there watching me, while I snapped away. Always the little poser.
And here is the view I had while driving home from work today. We are in the middle of another bad snow storm. My kids have a snow day for today and tomorrow as well. So i've got my fingers crossed that my job will be closed tomorrow. I'm soooo ready for the Spring already! Bring it on...please!
Onto my Booking Through Thursday post:
I’ve seen this quotation in several places lately. It’s from Sven Birkerts’ ‘The Gutenberg Elegies: The Fate of Reading in an Electronic Age’:
“To read, when one does so of one’s own free will, is to make a volitional statement, to cast a vote; it is to posit an elsewhere and set off toward it. And like any traveling, reading is at once a movement and a comment of sorts about the place one has left. To open a book voluntarily is at some level to remark the insufficiency either of one’s life or one’s orientation toward it.”
To what extent does this describe you?
I think this is a great BTT prompt. I'm hoping I understand the quote correctly, but here are my thoughts. I do agree that reading is a form of escape, a healthy one:
to cast a vote; it is to posit an elsewhere and set off toward it.
Being an avid reader is a positive thing. I feel sorry for people who don't enjoy reading. You can visit so many places through books, real and imagined.
As far as reading marking the insufficiency of one's life, I have to disagree. Just because I enjoy reading doesn't mean my life is incomplete. On the contrary, I love winding down at the end of a busy day with a good book and a cup of tea. And many times, my children and I read together, all three of us relaxing on the living room couches reading our books.
What do you think about the above quote?

Labels: booking through thursday, diego
Alice, by Alice Temperley is currently one of my favourite collections. Inspired by Alice in Wonderland for obvious reasons, each piece she designs has a fairy-tale feel to it - which I love. Seeing as the world is currently going crazy for everything Alice at the moment, due to the new Tim Burton version out next month - I thought it would be appropriate to do a blog on both Alice by Temperley and the movie. As usual, there will be more pictures than writing. This is usually because I find myself personally, more interested in blogs if there's more visual. Enjoy!