Thursday, February 11, 2010


...Was a good and bad day. I met Kathryn Prescott and Lily Loveless (Emily and Naomi from Skins) but afterwards, found out one of my beloved favourite designers had took his own life.

Myself, Aisling, Bianca and Georgia, early this morning headed over to the RTE studios because we knew Kat and Lily were going to be appearing on the show 'The CafĂ©' that evening. We waited an hour or so, found out they would be arriving later on in the day, so we headed to my Nana's house for a cuppa tea and a nice girlie chat. We then headed back to the studios around 3:30 and Dara Quilty told us the pair were already in the building - we had only missed them by about 5 minutes! This really nice man then came out, telling us Lily and Kat found out we had been there since morning.. and that they wanted us to go in and say hi! We all waited at reception for them and we were all sooo exited! When they eventually came out we all screamed haha, they are even MORE gorgeous in person. And they are so lovely and polite. Really, really down to earth girls! They got in tons of pics with us and signed anything we wanted signed! It really made our day!

Alexander McQueen was a genius, if you read my blog about him from last year you would of seen how fantastic his latest collection (and past collections might I add) were. It is annoying me though how a majority of people are 'acting' sad about McQueens death, when they hadn't looked twice at a previous collection he had done or even known his pieces. It seems celebrity deaths these days, are just another way to come across 'cool'. Of course a death is always dreadful, and I respect people wishing them to rest in peace etc. I just find it annoying how people suddenly become huge fans of MJ for example.. after he died? To almost 'join in' all the hype about his death? Anyways, I will include pictures of my favourite McQueen pieces but I will stop talking about it now as it's upsetting me.

R.I.P The King of British fashion.


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