I haven't posted about movies lately because my recent rentals have been of the tv series Medium instead. I'd just watched a few episodes of it before I lost tv service but I liked the actors and the theme so I've been catching up on it with DVDs.
The show stars Patricia Arquette, who plays Allison DuBois, a medium who uses her psychic dreams in her job as a consultant for the Phoenix, Arizona district attorney's office, and Jake Weber, who plays her husband Joe, a mathematician/engineer.

- Jake Weber when he was in another interesting series from the past, American Gothic
Strangely, what I like best about the show is not so much the supernatural element, but the relationship among Allison, Joe, and their three daughters ... they're such a mentally/emotionally healthy family that I, raised in a pretty weird family, watch totally absorbed.

- Patricia Arquette when she was in the film Stigmata
Here's a video about the show ...