... of Stargate Atlantis
Kind of depressing what's going on with the Anglicans and the Ordinariate thing. I've been keeping up on it at Thinking Anglicans - I just couldn't like the triumphant note in the Catholic press. Does ecumenism = turning everyone into a Catholic?
And speaking of depressing, there's an article today in The Guardian - How real is America's faith? - by Stanley Hauerwas (an American Radical Orthodoxy guy) which drips contempt for people like me - those who are, among other things, dopey enough to wonder why God lets bad things happen. Here's a bit from the article .....
America is the exemplification of what I call the project of modernity. That project is the attempt to produce a people that believes it should have no story except the story it chose when it had no story. That is what Americans mean by freedom. The problem with that story is its central paradox: you did not choose the story that you should have no story except the story you chose when you had no story. Americans, however, are unable to acknowledge that they have been fated to be "free", which makes them all the more adamant that they have a right to choose the god that underwrites their "freedom." A people so constituted will ask questions such as "Why does a good god let bad things happen to good people?" It is as if the Psalms never existed. The story that you should have no story except the story you chose when you had no story produces a people who say: "I believe that Jesus is Lord – but that is just my personal opinion." ....
I feel like giving up on religion and devoting my disposable time to Stargate Atlantis instead.