My good friend Grace Rivera called me down to meet her protege she will be training in the field of body building/fitness modeling. Grace is a well known personal trainer, pro-body builder, Fitness model, mom, has been in countless competitions, fitness magazines as well as a great supporter of The Underground Clown brand and staff. Grace is currently on her way to Las Vegas for the Olympiads happening Sept 15-17th.
Rebecca Vera walks into the studio with a bright smile, rocking the Future Legend tank top (She is destined to be one) and just looking at her you can tell she is focused and ready to work. Rebecca is only 19, plays softball, works at Retro Fitness, and attends Montclair State University. Already her resume smells of success.
Rebecca and Grace get down to the business of how to walk, present yourself to the judges, and a bunch of other techniques. Grace is a seasoned veteran and who better to learn from. Rebecca picks everything up quickly and you can see she is on the path for success and hard work will not be a problem for her.
It was very much appreciated that they chose to work out in our gear and liked it. We at the The Underground Clown/Future Legend thank both ladies for there support.
To learn more about Grace Rivera and get tips on health and working out hit her up @
Rebecca Vera will have a website soon in the meantime stay tuned here for updates on her upcoming events.
To purchase the clothing worn by the women and more head over to www.theundergroundclown.com