Sunday, January 31, 2010
Labels: my room
Here are more characters/sidekicks who appear or are at least mentioned in the upcoming fanfic.
The Britons:
Bryn, young healer and rebel sympathizer
Niall, Nimue's brother, traitor, guide to the Saxon army
Rhian, his wife, slaughtered by the Saxons
Raelyn & Cerys, their young daughters
Evina, Maeve's and Lucan's aunt
Cadfael, (deceased) old Briton healer at Hadrian's Wall who functioned as a father substitute for the knights
Labels: King Arthur, OC, The Dungeon Birds
I decided to make a list, for no reason, but I just want to. :)
All Time Low x2
The Audition
Avril Lavigne
The Blackout x2
Bring Me The Horizon
Black Tide
Dir En Grey
Elliot Minor
Metro Station
My Chemical Romance
Mindless Self Indulgence x2
My Passion
Now Now Every Children
Saving Aimee
Snakes Hate Fire
Steer Clear (Soooo many times..)
Paramore x2
Paper Route
Taking Back Sunday
We Are The Ocean
You Me At Six
Young Guns
This isn't including local bands like Fox Avenue etc, I've seen them so many times!
Future gigs I'm going to: Lady Gaga, Hadouken! and hopefully Florence and the Machine
Labels: gigs
Doc Martens are so versatile, you can literally wear them with ANYTHING. The amount of colours, patterns, materials you can get of Docs is huge. They last forever and a hard-wearing. (Trust me, I know. I've walked through snow in them haha!) I have 2 pairs myself, ankle-length leather black ones and a patent pink pair. I wear them to death and they always complete an outfit! You can get different lengths depends on how many shoelace holes are on the docs, 8 hole, 16 hole etc.
I would recommend getting black docs first, they're much more easier to wear when choosing an outfit go with them. Because they're quite a masculine shoe, I always think wearing feminine clothes with them works well as there's a big contrast e.g wearing a Summery floral skirt with shin-length black docs would looks amazing! If you to go for a full on grunge look, I would wear the black docs with tights, denim cut-offs, band t-shirt, leather jacket etc.
If you want to buy one of the coloured pairs of Docs, think carefully about which colour you want! I got my pink pair 3 years ago and it seems like everyone has them nowadays. So stay away from the 'typical' colours, buy the green or yellow ones instead! The coloured docs are just as easy to wear as the black docs but you just have to be more wary I guess. I mean that say if you red docs, you obviously would not wear too much red with them or any clashing colours like pink. Well in saying that actually, I've seen red and pink together on some people and it works! So go for it :)
Next on my wishlist for docs, is a leopard print pair! I loveee them, I love anything leopard print really haha! But yeah the patterned docs are amazing, you can get patterns like floral to tartan to the union jack! There's such a variety and I think they always look nice if you wear them with one other patterned item of clothing, like tights or a skirt. I love clashing patterns! But make sure they're different patterns, never wear tartan with tartan for example!
The prices vary, they're around €80-€200 depending on what colour/pattern you get!
Well I hope that was helpful, I really like getting requests so if you want one, just comment here and I'll write it up asap! :D
Labels: doc martens
Sunday Salon: 1.31 Crescent Cookies, January Wrap Up and The Tudors
0 comments Posted by st at 5:12 AM
Happy Sunday Salon everyone, we are in the middle of a deep freeze here, so it's the perfect weather for staying in and reading. It's hard to believe January is over, I managed to read 7 books this month:
1. Await Your Reply
2. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
3. Enchanted Dreams Erotic Tales of the Supernatural
4. Corrigans' Pool
5. The Unbearable Lightness of Being
6. Cujo
7. The Recipe Club
I enjoyed all the books I read in January, but my favorite was The Recipe Club.
My daughter and I made Swedish Crescent Cookies using one of the recipes in the book. They are really yummy and the recipe was simple. I had some with coffee this morning.
Now I'm reading The Boleyn Inheritance which is fantastic already. This will be my fourth Philippa Gregory book. Whenever I read one of her books, I find myself completely immersed in the storyline and characters.
I rise from my great chair with the gold canopy over my head. On either side of the box the curtains billow in the Tudor colors of green and white, my initials are everywhere, my crest is everywhere. The other initials of all the other queens are on the underside of the curtains only and they don't show. To judge from today, there has only ever been one queen: myself.

Enjoy your Sunday. What are you up to?

Labels: sunday salon
Friday, January 29, 2010
Labels: louboutin nude heels
title: The Recipe Club: A Tale of Food and Friendship
authors: Andrea Israel & Nancy Garfinkel
pages: 363
genre: fiction
published: 2009
rated: 5 out of 5
The Recipe Club is one of those books that grabs your attention and does not let go. If I didn't have to work full time and tend to two children, I would have finished this one in one sitting, instead, I read it in two.
Lilly and Val are lifelong friends who haven't spoken in 26 years due to a falling out. Lilly is outgoing, flirty and dramatic, Val is the shy one, who tends to have her nose in a book and feels insecure most of the time.
In April of 2000, when Val's mother passes away, she emails Lilly, who is thrilled to hear from her long lost friend. The two women begin to email back and forth, but while they are catching up and reminiscing, they begin to argue once again over the same old issues that broke up their friendship up in the first place.
The book is written in the form of the womens' letters to each other. When the girls were tweens in the mid 1960's, they formed what they called 'The Recipe Club', and as they wrote to each other, they included a recipe with nearly each letter. So as you are reading the letters, you get a different recipe to go along with it. Recipes like First-Kiss Caramel Almond Kisses, Starry Night Scampi and Missing You Warmly Lentil Salad.
This book reads like non-fiction, you get the feeling that you are really reading the correspondence between these two friends.
I really enjoyed this book and am so happy I got a chance to read it. I highly recommend it! I liked both Val and Lilly, and I liked reading about thier lives through the letters they sent each other. This book also has a great twist in the end that took me totally off guard.
This one will be on my top favorites for 2010. The Recipe Club: A Tale of Food and Friendship is my first favorite read of the year. Special thanks to Caitlin over @ FSB Associates for sending me a copy of this book.
Here's a few tidbits I liked:
Sometimes I feel like you and I don't have much in common anymore. But here's a recipe anyway. For the sake of the Recipe Club. It's complicated. I hope you mess it up.
I'm starting to understand what it takes to make friends: it's all about connecting with other strong, intelligent, focused women. About abandoning the shell you've been hiding in your whole life. And when you do it right, you're rewarded with love. With people who really get you. Who never judge you. Who admire you for who you are and what you have to offer.
The truth is, you need lots of different kinds of friends, Val. My mom has taught me that, too. When I think about it, I realize my friends are like planets, circling around me. Each one is different, but I am always the sun.

Thursday, January 28, 2010
1. Do YOU like books with complicated plots and unexpected endings?
2. What book with a surprise ending is your favorite? Or your least favorite?
Yes, I do enjoy books that have lots of twists and turns in the plot, that's what will keep me hooked. Among my favorite books is the Harry Potter series. There were plenty plot twists and turns and surprise endings at the end of each book to keep me glued to this series, I read it twice.

Labels: booking through thursday
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Division I-AA Hofstra just dropped their football program to save money. Saints star WR Marques Colston went to Hofstra, pretty crazy to think that he went to a school that no longer has a football team.
While at Hofstra Colston was a monster. In his freshman year he hauled in 14 passes for 335 yards and three TD's. When it was all said and done he had caught 182 balls for a school record 2,834 yards, and 18 touchdowns. Although he put up crazy numbers, he was still predicted by many to go undrafted.
This is mainly due to the fact that he played at a DI-AA school. The other reason was that many scouts saw him as a tweener, he was a little too slow and big to fit right in as an NFL WR, but to small to play TE. He silenced some critics when he ran a 4.50 40 yard dash, but many of the skeptics held their ground because 4.5 is not as impressive as it used to be.
Colston ended up getting drafted all the way down in the 7th round, 252nd overall by the Saints. Colston was the most impressive rookie on the team during mini camp, and due to a trade before the season started, he found himself starting in week one.
Colston had one of the craziest fantasy seasons of any player his rookie year because of a slight glitch in most fantasy roster settings. Colston was listed as a WR/TE and was leading the NFL in receiving yards and TD's by week 9, something TE's never do. Basically, if you had Colston on your team you could start a stud WR at TE.
After his impressive rookie season the rest is history, the doubts are gone and Colston is the Saints go-to WR. In four years with the Saints Colston has tallied 258 catches for 4,074 yards and 33 receiving TD's. He is one of the best WR's in the NFL and the saying "from nothing to something" seems to be quite an understatement.
For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart.
It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.
-Judy Garland
artwork is called 'Youth And Time' and is by http://www.johnwilliamgodward.org/

Labels: john william godward, quote, Wordless Wednesday
Oh and just want to say - I MET ALL TIME LOW AGAIN AT K! TOUR! AAAAAAAH. Haha :) such an amazing gig, I kept meeting Sean Smith and he is just THE nicest, most genuine bloke ever! And ofc, The Blackout are just the sex. Young Guns and My Passion surprised me, they were excellent! Laurence from My Passion was a babe but tbh, I have a huuuuge crush on Simon. He is just :O wow. He gives the best hugs... haha. Me and loadsa my mates got interviewed for Kerrang! Magazine too - watch the video here; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCkBjv-bXdc
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Why not look back at some of the best Super Bowl commercials of all time...Terry Tate and his classic office linebacker commercials...great stuff
title: Cujo
author: Stephen King
genre: horror
published: 1981
first line: Once upon a time, not so long ago, a monster came to the small town of Castle Rock, Maine.
pages: 304
rated: 4 out of 5
Cujo is one of those random books I just picked up one day at the supermarket. And being a big Stephen King fan, I usually cannot resist grabbing his books to add to my collection. Nobody can tell a good, scary story like Stephen King.
Donna and Vic Trenton are a couple who move from New York to the sleepy town of CastleRock, Maine with their young son. Tad, who is now 4 years old, often has vivid nightmares about the monster in his closet. Donna and Vic's marriage is on the rocks, Vic found out about Donna recently having an affair.
The local mechanic, Joe Cambers owns Cujo, a nearly two hundred pound, loveable, St. Bernard. Cujo contracts rabies after being bitten by bats and no one notices the dogs condition, until it's too late.
Vic is away on business for a few days. Before he leaves, he forgets to take Donna's Pinto to the Cambers house for repair. Donna decides to take the trip out to the garage with little Tad. Her pinto has been acting up and at times will stall, then completely stop. She debates going to Joe's garage with Tad, and wants to make the trip out alone, but Tad insists on going with her because he is terrified of staying home due to the nightmares he has of the monster in his closet.
So, Donna packs up Tad's Snoopy lunchbox and they head off deep into the woods where the Cambers live. Donna is hesitant to go, she can't shake off an odd feeling she has and she's been trying to call Joe Chambers house, but no one answers the phone.
The Chambers house is 5 miles outside of town, and deep inside the woods, but she figures if the Pinto breaks down, she and Tad can walk to his house and call a cab to get home.
Now, this was the part in the book where I kept thinking 'nooooooooooooo, don't go!'. Being a mom, common sense tells you to wait to get your car fixed instead of dragging your 4 year old into the sweltering heat, in a car that is breaking down and has no air conditioning, through the deep woods, to a mechanics house you barely now. Plus, set in the 80's, there's no cell phones in this story!
Donna's car officially stalls and breaks down within view of the Cambers house. She figures she and Tad will trek up the road and get Cambers to help her.
But as she gets out and starts to walk around the car to get Tad out of his carseat, she hears a deep growling.
She reached the front of the hood and started to cross in front of the Pinto, and that was when she heard a new sound. A low, thick growling.
She stopped, her head coming up at once, trying to pinpoint the source of that sound. For a moment she couldn't, and she was suddenly terrified, not by the sound itself, but by its seeming directionless. It was nowhere. It was everywhere.
Cujo is not my favorite King book, but it was a good read. There's a good dose of horror and suspense here and I enjoyed reading this one.
Cujo was made into a film in 1983, I remember seeing this when I was little and being terrified. Now the trailer just looks corny...lol.

About the author:
quoted from wikipedia
Stephen Edwin King (born September 21, 1947) is an American author, screenwriter, musician, columnist, actor, film producer and director. Having sold over 350 million copies of his books, King is best known for his work in horror fiction, in which he demonstrates a thorough knowledge of the genre's history. He has also written science fiction, fantasy, short-fiction, non-fiction, screenplays, teleplays and stageplays. Many of his stories have been adapted for other media, including movies, television series and comic books. King has written a number of books using the pen name Richard Bachman and one short story where he was credited as John Swithen. In 2003 he received The National Book Foundation's Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters.

Labels: 2010 book review, horror, reviews, stephen king
Monday, January 25, 2010
Over the next couple of weeks we will be taking a look at some of the players in the Super Bowl, and focusing on their college football careers.
Our first player profile is Colt's WR Pierre Garcon.
Garcon did not come from a typical collegiate background. He started his college career at D3 Norwich University in Vermont. He was a standout in VT with 44 catches for 1,117 and 13 TD's, but soon realized he needed to move on.
He played the next three years of his career at D3 perennial powerhouse Mount Union in Ohio. At Mount Union he set the record books on fire, he caught 65+ balls in every season and racked up a staggering 47 TD's through the air.
Although he was one of the best players in D3, people chalked his stats up to the lower competition and failed to realize how good he really was. It is not very often that a D3 player gets this much attention so obviously some people had their doubts. Garcon had speed, but many thought he lacked a second breakaway gear, and as we know speed is everything in the NFL.
Garcon did however have many traits that made him intriguing at the pro level. Garcon has incredible body control, he seems to always know where he is and he has a great knack for going up and getting the ball. He is a possession receiver that knows how to use his body.
Garcon was very lucky in the draft to get picked up by the Colt's in the 6th round, I mean Peyton Manning is your QB, it does not get any better then that.
In his first year with the Colt's Garcon only caught four passes all year. This season he recorded 47 for 765 yards, and recently blew up against the Jets with 11 catches and 151 yards.
Garcon did not come from a tradition college background, and now he is one of the NFL's young stars. The future is bright for Garcon in Indy.
Crazy one handed catch...
The Waiter!!!

Talking about giving back, Charlie Simpson, a 7-year-old boy from England (in the photograph above) has raised over $160-thousand for the relief fund for Haitian earthquake victims.
The unselfish kid asked his mother if he could set up a sponsored bicycle ride around his local park in West London. Originally expecting to raise around $1,000 for UNICEF Haiti appeal with a 5-mile bike ride on Sunday, donations poured in from his webpage and are still coming.
His mother Lenora Simpson stated,
" He was really upset by the pictures on TV. He actually burst into tears. He sat on my lap and we had a chat about the things he could do. He decided to do the cycle ride and he made me do a sponsorship form and that was it. We sent it out on the web and it just went everywhere."
After posting on Justgiving.com, she added, "
"What started off as a little cycle round the park with his dad has turned into something a lot bigger than that and we can't believe it. He's done really well. He's worked hard and he's raised a phenomenal amount of money. He really felt strongly about this and thought that something had to be done. It was great to see him so motivated. I am extremely proud of our Charlie."
We're proud of you too Charlie....
Channel Your Inner Snooki or Situation, Come on Bro!
For all of you Jersey Shore fans, now is your chance to be one of the Guido's or Guidettes on the show with Complex.com's Jersey Shore Soundboard.
Boxing Fans Check Out Secondsout.com
Labels: 7 year old, Bike Ride, Charity, Haiti, Jersey Shore, The Underground Clown