This weekend was brilliant, best one this year so far! I love my friends..
Today I left school early.. Recently I just haven't been in the right mindset for it at all. I despise studying, tests, maths.. ughhh. My parent teacher meeting is on Wednesday too and I have to go with my Dad, jesus. To make things worse, my awful, pervy, crap art teacher decides to tell us how shit we're doing in the class and that our LC poster has to be in by Wednesday also... are you demented? One of the subjects I need an A in and I have this arsehole as a teacher :@ typical.
Anyways, I spent a few hours watching 1950s commercials... very funny! Just youtube '1950 commercials' and they all come up!
Started to watch Triumph of the Will to try and get my own opinion on it but my youtube kept freezing so I'll have to another day.
Lately I've been getting really irritated by all the different sites I've signed up to, I only like this and twitter to be honest. Everything else just gives me a headache.
I'm gonna get off this soon to read Vogue, only one issue left in the shop and the cover is ripped. Fml.