Friday, January 22, 2010

Just for fun I wanted to chat about top picks for Desert Island Books and Movies. If you were being left on a deserted island for a few months and could only bring along 5 books and 5 movies, what would they be?

Here's my picks:

Top 5 Books To Bring to a Deserted Island:

1. Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair Because beautiful poetry is essential.

2. Odd Thomas Because it's got a likeable central character and it's full of suspense and humor.

3. Pride & Prejudice What's better than reading about Elizabeth and Darcy? Nothing.

4. Misery This is one of my favorite S.K. novels and a perfect read for a dark and stormy night. Afterwards though, you might regret it, being stuck on that deserted island after reading Stephen King will probably really scare the crap out of anyone.

5. The Other Boleyn Girl This one is full of drama and is perfect for when you're in the mood for some good historical fiction.

Top 5 Movies To Bring to a Deserted Island: (just pretend there's a portable DVD player there)

1. Gone With the Wind It's got drama, romance and a great storyline. Plus its a few hours long, so that's always good when stranded on an island with nothing else to do. And Scarlett's wardrobe is fantastic, that's always nice to see.

2. Scarface Another long film, and very quotable. This is good for if you're in the mood for something a bit more badass than your sappy love story.

3. Steel Magnolias This one is such a tearjerker, it makes me cry until my head hurts. The cemetary scene in this movie gets to me every time. And sometimes you're just in the mood for a movie like this.

4. Old School A good comedy is a must on a deserted island.

5. P.S. I Love You I'm always in the mood for a sappy love story. And seeing Gerard Butler on screen always makes me smile. Good eye candy.

Feel free to play along and post your top 5 picks for movies and books! I'm curious to see everyones picks.


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