I am so angry and so upset. Less than 5 minutes ago, I watched a video that caused a huge stir on the internet.. a video of some twisted little bitch, throwing PUPPIES into a river. The video is here if you want to see it, I don't advise you do... I regret even clicking on it. I watched 9 seconds of it and nearly got sick. I don't even know where to begin... It's some girl and she's standing beside a river, the camera shows you a BUCKET of tiny puppies beside her, and she flings them into the river.. one by one. Laughing as she hears their whimpers and cries. I have always, and I mean ALWAYS have detested animal cruelty. At the age of 8, I used to go around washing people's cars in my estate to raise money for the D.S.P.C.A, I have the receipts to prove it. I adore animals, I absolutely adore them. I prefer them to fucking humans! I was born with a bond with animals and I feel they are on an equal pedistal to us humans. Who the fuck are WE to choose that a creature has less rights to us? Just because they can't fucking communicate in our language? I feel physically sick after watching that. The video that aired a few weeks ago of a woman throwing a cat into a wheely bin had me in utter shock. I, and the rest of the world, watched that video in absolute disbelief.. thank god the cat is ok now (after 15 hours of being trapped in the poxy bin) but I doubt those 10 or so puppies had the same escape? See, I would of said she could of brought the unwanted puppies to a shelter etc if she didn't want them, but no, this girl is getting the act VIDEO TAPED and is ENJOYING herself. She did that for recreational purposes. I can't even find the words to explain how twisted, how messed up and how fucking disgusting it is. It happens everyday, but the internet and tv allows us to witness some of these acts on our own accord. I think people need to cop the fuck on with their attitude to animals. Realize they are EQUAL TO US. I'm so frustrated right now. I hope that girl and camera-man get caught.. but knowing this world, they won't get the punishment/jail time they deserve. What the hell is wrong with the world? We all need to seriously get a fucking grip.