Monday, August 23, 2010
Monday is here once again, back to the daily grind. It's seems it always sneaks up on me. Wouldn't it be nice to have every Monday off from work?
But anyway, one thing I do like about Mondays is posting about the great books that have come my way.
Here's my Mailbox Mondays:
I won a copy of The Prince of Mist by Carlos Ruiz Zafón over @ Wisteria's blog. I'm excited about this one because it's by one of Wisteria's favorite authors and I can't wait to read it. Thank you :)
Also in the mail, an ARC of Let's Have A Bite! A Banquet of Beastly Rhymes which is being released on September 16, 2010. This is a fun collection of animal related nursery rhymes with great illustrations.
On a different note, I recently found this meme over @ Iliana's blog called Bookish Mad Libs.
The key is to fill in the rest of the sentence with a title of a book read in the past year.
In school I was: The Ink Drinker
People might be surprised I’m: The Princess Bride
I will never be: The Queen's Pawn
My fantasy job is: The One That I Want
At the end of a long day I need: To Conquer a Highlander
I hate it when: Tuesday Tells it Slant
Wish I had: The Boleyn Inheritance
My family reunions are: Are You There, Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea
At a party you’d find me with: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
I’ve never been to: Corrigans' Pool
A happy day includes: The Road
Motto I live by: Transformations: Give Up the Struggle
On my bucket list: Nights in Rodanthe
In my next life, I want to be: The Girl Made of Cool
Feel free to play along with Bookish Mad Libs, I'm curious to see your answers.
Enjoy your Monday!

Labels: mailbox mondays, meme