Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The last week or two have been crazy for me. Postive and negative. With an astounding response to my new Youtube channel (click here) but also a prodigious heap of abuse having come with that, it's made me feel confused and just, plain weird. 
This Summer to be honest has been one of my worst. The fact it's my last Summer in Ireland didn't really help... I had planned a ton of interesting and improbable stuff.. like everyone. My expectations were too high, as usual. And yeah, this Summer sucked. Apart from a few things... Green Day, finding my Cinderella bag that I bought in Chester when I was 11, London, Alaina Beaton tweeting me, the odd good party... and yeah, that's it really. 
The separation of my Mum and my Stepdad doesn't help, the bullying, the heart attack I had when Axl Rose's Twitter got hacked and some loon decided to announce all the GNR gigs are cancelled (which they're not in reality) and I had practically a skitso attack.
I am currently doing a 2 week French Course, and then when that ends, I'm straight back into school. This Summer has flown in, in a bad way. Not a 'oh I did so much!' way. People telling me over and over HOW AMAZING their Summer was, yes, ok that's great - but some of us don't have the money to go out everyday, some of us don't live in a weather-blessed country and some of us just aren't arsed. 
I tidied up my room, for the first time this year. HA. I have 5 full black bags in my spare bathroom at the moment, awash with clothes and shoes etc... which will be sold on ebay, as soon as I am bothered to get a bank account. I re-did a few of my shelves and tables or whatever, so I took a few snaps! Hope to be doing a ton more blogs this week and next, I'm just so busy and drained at the moment, that it's sorta been at the back of my mind! Here's some random snaps of stuff... things I've bought, me being bored, stuff and things..
I'm selling my laptop also, as I got my Mac. It's €150 and if anyone's interested - drop us a comment! It's an Acer, 3 years old, more or less perfect conditions and it comes with a free case and webcam.


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