As all surgeries are not risk-free, there are risks in liposuction surgeries too.Especially There always the risk for facial nerves.If you have decided to have liposuction surgery you should keep in mind that everything can happen on the surgery table.
Experts say that liposuction is medically not necessary.Besides,before having surgery you should be sure of surgeon's experience and skill.Otherwise it could end up with some unwanted results.You should always stay away from those who claim that they will charge you with lowest cost.It may be so dangerous and unhealthy surgery.
During the surgery surgeon may damage your internal organs beacuse he or she can not seewhere the cannula or probe is.
If you have extra fats that ruin your look ,the best way to get rid of them is to go on a healthy and balanced diet.Experts suggest to keep appliying healthy diet with full of patience and effort.So that there would be no need for surgery and it is really not worth it's risk.
Unless it is too much necessary to have a liposuction surger is strictly not suggested.