Thursday, August 26, 2010


I always get asked the vexatious question of ''what would you call you style?'', ''what style are you?''. I always respond with a ''I don't dress a certain style/way'' or ''You can't label me''. But then they persist on asking you after, ''No, but if you HAD to say a style.. what would it be?''. That drives me nuts. Why the hell should I HAVE to say I dress a certain way? 
I've gone through phases, as everyone does. I think experimenting helps you find who you are. 
I can honestly say I don't dress a certain way these days.. one day I can be wearing a 40s dress and Victory Rolls, the next I could be wearing my Docs and tartan jeans. I certainly like different styles, but I like to think that I adapt certain elements of styles and make it my own and mix it up. For example, I adore the 1950s pin-up, rockabilly style, I love the classic rock'n'roll band tee's and ripped denim look but then again I also adore 1970s punk fashion. I love Audrey Hepburn's style but at the same time I admire Alaina Beaton's style. I want to dress effortlessly but I want to put in an effort at the same time. I want to wear a battered pair of jeans but with a Chanel bag. I am always drawn to clothes that are leopard print, colourful and have an interesting print. I don't like to wear anything brown, velvet or tacky. Nothing in particular inspires me... it could be anything from nature, to history or a Tim Burton movie.
I personally can't stick to a certain style and don't want to. It's the same with my music taste, I listen to a variety of different genres, anything from punk to classical to rap. Music and people inspire me the most I'd say when it comes to fashion, I always feel a certain sense of pride when I wear a band tee. I like to show off my interest in the music and feel proud wearing merch. The Clash being my favourite band, have hugely influenced me in so many areas, obviously. With fashion, they were always experimenting and changing their looks for the different albums and tours. Paul made Mick and Joe (it was before Topper joined) realize how important a band's image was, to appeal to a certain crowd of course, but to also send the lesson of individualism and creativity. 
I understand that people who aren't interested in fashion or clothes may not feel the same, but this is how I feel.. You only live once, you might as well make a statement and be yourself while you're at it?


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