Friday, July 18, 2008

The No Complaining Rule: Positive Ways to Deal with Negativity at Work

author: Jon Gordon

genre: self-help

publish date: 2008

pages: 143

first line: It was Tuesday, and Hope dragged herself into the office just like she had every day for the past year.

Jon Gordon starts his book off with the story of a woman called Hope, who goes in to work on Monday morning and is not having the best day. She's a sinle mom of two, who is stressed out both in the workplace as well as in her personal life.

Theres lots of drama going on at work and Hope's boss puts her in charge of coming up with a plan for dealing with negativity and complaining in the workplace.
Hope comes up with the 'No Complaining Rule' and uses it not only at work but in her personal life as well.

'The positive road will lead you to enhanced health, happiness, and success and the negative road will lead to misery, anger, and failure. Since your bus can't be on two roads at the same time, you must decided which road you want to be on. And when you complain, you travel down the negative road.'

I don't rate self-help books with my usual rating system. I feel that either this type of book will help you if you are ready for a positive change, or if you are not ready, then it won't affect you at all. I think this is a helpful book.

This is a good book for helping guide you towards a more positive outlook and to let you realize what a waste of time complaining is. It's a quick read. By the author using the story of Hope as an example, it makes it an interesting read and something most of us can relate to.

'Let your complaints tell you what you don't want, so you can focus on what you do want. Every complaint represents an opportunity to turn something negtive into a positive. We can use complaining as a catalyst for a positive change in our own lives, at work, and in the world.'

I'm raffling off my copy of The No Complaining Rule: Positive Ways to Deal with Negativity at Work to one of my blog readers. Comment on this post and let me know if you want to be entered in the raffle. For a better chance of winning, blog about this post and give me the link. I'll enter your name in the drawing twice. Good luck!

The winner will be announced on Saturday, July 26.

about the author:

Jon Gordon is a speaker, consultant and author of several books including the recently released The No Complaining Rule: Positive Ways to deal with Negativity at Work and the international best seller The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel your Life, Work and Team with Positive Energy which has captured the hearts of readers world-wide.

With his positive spirit and simple, transformative message, Jon empowers audiences and readers to live and work with more vision, positive energy and purpose—and cultivate positive work environments where individuals and teams create more success and enjoy the ride of their life.

Jon is a graduate of Cornell University and holds a masters in teaching from Emory University. When he’s not speaking to businesses or schools, you can find him playing lacrosse or basketball with his wife and two “high energy” children.

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