Friday, September 5, 2008


Being a big fan of Beverly Hills 90210 , I was eagerly awaiting the new 90210 tv series.

This new 90210 wasn't so great. First off, it was rated TV14. Now come on, why is that necessary? And secondly, I didn't like the way they kept using the word b*tch. Now, I'm not prudish about things like that, but I really felt that for a tv program, this was too much. And I found that the ones using the 'b' word were the guys mostly. I didn't even finish watching the entire 2 hours of it.

Some of the original stars are on the show, like Kelly and Brenda. And I heard that Donna was going to be on as well. And they still hang out at the Peach Pit.
But I found the storyline to be lame and these new characters just don't match up to the original cast.

The original show was just so much fun. I watched it from the pilot episode until it went off the air. Dylan *sigh* I still catch some of the episodes on the Soap network.

I don't think I'll continue watching this new series. And I don't think it will last long either. Did you watch it? Did you enjoy it?


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