Monday, May 31, 2010
When you are going through breast cancer, it is an emotionally and physically trying time. Many forms of cancer treatment only add to the problem as they work toward curing the cancer. Radiation treatments, for example, can cause a great deal of fatigue and it can take up to two months for your normal levels of energy to return. Therefore, it is important to follow a few health tips for breast cancer patients in order to minimize these side effects, as well as to help you get well sooner.
#1 of the Health Tips for Breast Cancer Patients: Get Rest
One of the most important things you can do for yourself while fighting breast cancer is to get plenty of rest. Do your best to get a full night's sleep. And, if you feel tired during the day, take the time to sleep or rest to allow your body time to recover.
#2 of Health Tips for Breast Cancer Patients: Eat Healthy
Eat a health diet. The healthier your body is, the better prepared it will be to fight the breast cancer and to recover from breast cancer treatment. Be sure to include plenty of protein in your diet because the amino acids found in protein are used by your body to help repair damage.
Sometimes, eating can be a difficult task if you are undergoing treatments for breast cancer. Surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and medications can adversely affect your appetite and digestive system. You might experience nausea, vomiting, changes in taste and smell, difficulty swallowing and chewing, constipation, and pain. If you are experiencing these problems, you need to take steps to increase your appetite and to make eating easier.
First, try to make mealtime enjoyable by eating with friends and family or making eating as comfortable as possible. If ok with your physician, you might also have a small glass of wine, a mixed drink, or a beer. To add variety for your taste buds and to make eating more enjoyable, try new foods or new recipes. Better yet, eat out more often, even if you just eat an appetizer. If you engage in mild exercise ½ hour before you eat, it can also help increase your appetite. Of course, you should check with your doctor before starting any type of exercise routine. Anti-nausea medicine can also be helpful if you are vomiting or experiencing nausea.
It is also helpful if you prepare meals ahead of time while you are feeling better and freeze them. These meals can be easily reheated when you are not feeling well. You should also keep small snacks on hand to munch on when you are feeling good enough to eat. In fact, it is best to eat small meals or snacks frequently throughout the day than to eat large meals. All foods you purchase should be easy to prepare or should be ready to eat. You should also look for foods that are high in calories and protein in order to help keep your weight on. Even the fluids you consume should be high in calories and protein. If you are having a hard time chewing and swallowing, you should puree your foods or purchase foods that are easy to swallow, such as applesauce, soup, baby food, macaroni and cheese, pudding, and yogurt.
Additionally, there are a number of foods, herbs and vitamins which promote breast health. For information about these, please visit the breast health awareness resource page at Womans-Health.Net.
#3 of Health Tips for Breast Cancer Patients: Care for Your Skin
If you are undergoing external beam radiation, you may experience skin irritation or sensitivity. To assist with this problem, you should avoid using talcum powder, soaps, and deodorants. When you wash, be gentle and do not scrub or rub the area. Extreme hot or cold temperatures can also be problematic to your skin.
Therefore, tight or restrictive clothing can also aggravate your skin, as can nylon and synthetic materials. Wear loose clothing made of cotton instead. In addition, if you need to tape bandages to your skin, use paper tape rather than adhesive tape.
By following these health tips for breast cancer patients, you will be able to keep up your strength and be better prepared to beat this disease. In addition, you can actually help boost your body's immune system and its ability to make you better.
Womans-Health.Net challenges women from all over the world to visit the site for women's breast health awareness month to educate themselves, not only about natural prevention of breast cancer, but holistic ways to promote breast health.
title: Sex and the City 2
release date: May 2010
genre: romance, comedy, drama
cast: Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Kristin Davis, Cynthia Nixon
rated: 4 out of 5
I went to see Sex and the City 2 with the girls on opening night. Being a fan of the show, I was eagerly waiting for this one.
Carrie Bradshaw has been married to Mr. Big for two years. She is worried that they are turning into a boring old married couple because Big likes to stay home and watch TV instead of going out on the town. Charlotte is dealing with her daughter's terrible two's and is worried her hubby is going to have an affair with the nanny. Miranda has a boss who doesn't respect her and she struggles between being at work and being at home with her family. Samantha is going through menopause. She just got an all-expense-paid trip to Abu Dhabi and wants to take the girls with her.
So the girls go to the Middle East and wind up getting into some hot water of course, mostly due to Samantha's behavior. Carrie runs into an ex...what are the odds of that happening? Oh well, I still enjoyed it. This movie was funny, had some great scenes and I'm glad I went to see it.
One thing I always liked about Sex and the City the series is that it really celebrated female friendship. I also enjoyed the fashion on the show. It's great to see that the two films based on the hit show, are really very good. The first Sex and The City movie came out 2 years ago, and was equally fun and sassy.
What about you? Are you a fan of the show? Will you watch the film?
Labels: mondays movie, movies
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Vaginismus or Muscular Contraction usually causes serious problems causing marital relationships, most often, feelings of great guilt and frustration. In this article we will discuss the causes of vaginismus and one of the most appropriate therapies.
What is vaginismus?
Painful spasm of the vagina, causes the vagina to close; usually an anxiety reaction before coitus or pelvic examination. It is a muscle contraction that affects many women in their relationships and which often has very little information. It consists of an involuntary reflex contraction of the vagina so that there is an inability to have relation with penetration. The contraction in most cases may be unconscious, that is, women will not even notice the tension in the vagina or the muscles and manifested simply because when you go to attempting intercourse is impossible.
Vaginismus otherwise be total or partial, i.e. there may be a total contraction of the vagina to minimal external stimulation of the same, or may occur only close part of it so that can occasionally be penetration but in a way that can be painful or uncomfortable for both the man and the woman.
Causes of vaginismus
When relational dysfunction is not too well known, often is unknown why this problem can occur in women. Causes may be many such as:
* Having had an education over strict or puritanical about relation, which ends up looking like something dirty or fear to be used by men. Usually this occurs in very traditional in that there is good communication about relation between parents and children.
* Simply for fear of pain that can cause breakage of the hymen. In women of her friends have been able to lose their virginity before them, often speaking or comments about the first time. If they hear about experiences are painful for ruptured hymen can create a fear of relation for harm posed and eventually can cause vaginismus.
* For past bad experiences about relation, and not for comments or what you may have heard, but having lived events that do view relation negatively. It bears much the victims of relational abuse, rape, or simply when there has been some psychological pressure to have the first relationship when she was not really prepared for it.
* Also can sometimes be related to some kind of complex, insecurity or fear of rejection, and not only related to intercourse itself, but by the assessment that the other party can do about the body.
Does the vagina have a solution?
Fortunately vaginismus is a problem you can fix and in fact it's pretty easy to address from relation therapy. After all, the vagina has the advantage of having great flexibility, but through proper training and some specific exercises can be getting the expansion sufficient to achieve penetration without discomfort, facilitating the elimination of misconceptions about relation and spatially enable women to enjoy their relation.
As we say most recommended to overcome the issue is going to a relation therapy and gradually with various exercises to learn to have control over the muscles of the vagina. These therapies are not usually too long, in fact usually the shortest person ever to do your part and take the time to do different exercises, but passing time can range between 8 and 16 sessions, approximately.
What is therapy?
Therapy to overcome vaginismus has clear guidelines and consists of three types of exercises that are explained as you progress in them and that would be:
* Exercises from masturbation to relation with another person, the beginning is very important to feel comfortable with their relational activities. In such situations one is more relaxed because they fear rejection or the frustration that can occur with the other, and therefore can learn to locate the muscle tension that causes vaginismus and gradually relax certain body parts and enhance dilatation of the vagina.
* Hetero-masturbation Exercises: Exercises to learn to do yourself, then have to be implemented with the other person, for the factor of anxiety that can be due to the presence of the couple lose strength and you can feel relaxed and enjoy each other.
* Coitus: finally made relevant exercises in each of these phases, the goal is simply stated and the problem is far from preventing a relationship between two people.
As mentioned the key message I want to contribute to this article is so you can learn more about this problem that unfortunately affects many women today and that is not seen as a prohibited or an impossible problem to tackle, his passing is simple and successful by following the guidelines.
Get more information on vaginal tightening cream and vaginal discharge treatment. Also get more information on increase sperm count remedies.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Weight loss has become one of the main problems that many people are trying to address these days. In fact, it has also become one of the preoccupations of many women that lead to emergence of the many diet pills, crash diets as well as surgeries that can do magic to your weight. In fact, this has become the root of other eating disorders.
If you are having weight problems or obesity problems, it is important not to expect instant solutions. Of course, we all want quick solutions but also remember that you have accumulated that extra weight for long years and you just can't expect magic to get rid of all the extra weight overnight. Of course, it also needs effort and dedication.
If you want to learn how to lose weight naturally and quickly, the best way to do it is to burn those extra calories with exercise and watching your diet. These two should always go hand in hand to attain your weight loss goals. Focusing on the exercise part of your weight loss, it is important to consider the best exercises that fit your weight loss goals.
One of the hottest trends today when it comes to exercising to lose weight is to join weight loss boot camps. These fitness camps are a lot more fun and exciting than the usual gym exercising with your personal trainer. Boot camps also eliminate the monotony of going to the gym and going through the boring process of indoor exercising.
Indeed, exercise boot camps are done outdoors - from your backyard to parks and other open spaces where you can enjoy nature along with your physical activities. Exercising in weight loss camps also involve usually 6 to 10 participants under one trainer, which can be a motivation for you to have other people with you who have the same goals as you.
Fitness or exercise boot camps has also been one of the hottest trends these days as results are often favorable when it comes to burning fat. These camps involve high intensity training or circuit training within 20 to 45 minutes in every session and that it involves your entire body, thus you will find improvement fast and easy.
Usually, these camps have programs designed for your needs, but these usually start with some stretching and flexibility exercises that will protect you from injuries. The exercises in these camps usually involve cardiovascular exercises, plyometrics and some weight training. The exercises may also involve obstacle courses that resemble like those of military boot camps, but of course, less the intimidation.
With a fast circuit-type of training, exercise boot camps can be your key to your fast weight loss. Of course, aside from being a healthy choice towards weight loss, it is also a good way to stay fit and have well-toned muscles.
There are indeed a lot simple but effective ways on how to lose weight naturally and fast. All you have to do is do your research on where and when to go so that you will be guided on what boot camp you will finally join to attain your goals.
Carolyn Anderson loves to share some ways to lose weight the easy way. If you want to know some fast exercises to lose weight, check out Get Fit While You Sit. Also check out Turbulence Training, where you can find tips and techniques to lose excess body fats as well.
The sky is the limit. You will have learned all the weight loss secrets you need to know to enjoy long term and consistent weight loss. One year from now you will have lost a substantial amount of weight (50+ pounds) and achieved some goals that you never thought possible.
Breast cancer symptoms can be experienced by men as well as women but breast cancer is very rare in men compared to women. More than 1 in 10 women are likely to suffer from breast cancer symptoms, and be diagnosed with breast cancer, in a lifetime. Breast cancer symptoms can be detected when a lump, tumor, or cyst grows large enough to either be felt or seen on a mammogram. Sometimes a tumor isn’t found for many years. Breast cancer symptoms don’t often manifest themselves until the cancer is already in its later stages of growth, and may have already metastasized to other more vital areas of the body. That is why it is so important for women to regularly get checked.
Breast cancer symptoms are often subtle, and self discovery can be elusive. Due to the high incidence of breast cancer among older women, screening is now recommended in many countries.
Lumps or masses in the breast are not unusual, and most of them are not cancerous. Some breast masses can be felt during a breast exam.
Lump may form in the breast, chest or under the arm if the cancer is in the breast or near the chest wall. You will also notice a change in the size, shape and skin of the breast.
Earlier the diagnosis of breast cancer always involved the removal of the breast and the surrounding skin, muscles underneath the breast and the lymph nodes underneath the arm. Today’s method of diagnosis is well advanced without the above mentioned procedure radical mastectomy.
Among young women, a lump that moves may be a sign of fibrocystic breast disease. But simply asking questions is not enough; a combination of tests is used to make a final diagnosis.
Generally, breast cancer is a much more aggressive disease in younger women. Generally a lump that is cancerous will not be tender to the touch, it will be hard, non-movable, and not change rapidly in size (within several days or weeks). If a lump is tender, it could be a cyst or a swollen lymph node. Genetic counseling and genetic testing should be considered for families who may carry a heritidary form of cancer.
Inflammatory breast cancer is an uncommon type of breast cancer, which includes the breast being warm, red, and swollen.The inflammation occurs because the cancer cells block the lymphatic vessels in the skin of the breast . It doesn’t always involve a lump.
Breast cancer is a common disease. Each year, approximately 200,000 women in the United States are diagnosed with breast cancer, and one in nine American women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. Breast cancer occurs much more commonly in women and fewer than 1 in 100 of breast cancers occur in men. In the UK, approximately 250 men are diagnosed with breast cancer each year. Breast cancer starts in the cells of the breast. The breast tissue covers an area larger than just the breast.
Women with one of these defects have up to an 80% chance of getting breast cancer sometime during their life. Women who attend Infinite Boundaries retreats are in all stages of breast cancer. Some are newly diagnosed while others may have been treated for breast cancer years ago. Women who drink alcohol have a modestly increased risk. The more you drink, the greater your risk
Women had limited knowledge of their relative risk of developing breast cancer, of associated risk factors and of the diversity of potential breast cancer-related symptoms. Older women were particularly poor at identifying symptoms of breast cancer, risk factors associated with breast cancer and their personal risk of developing the disease. Women, sometimes, have lumps in their breasts which have been there for a lifetime. They’re usually harmless fibroids, and never conclusively mean you’ve developed breast cancer. Women are very conscious about their breast care. Beautiful and healthy breast are one of the most cherished dream of women.
Alexis-Blaise Kenne - About the Author:
Alexis Kenne wrote this article. If you liked it, there’s more where that came from! Visit http://ebooks-business.com/health/?p=136 or http://www.extend-yourlife.com to read more, and get Free High Quality Health and Fitness Reports just for stopping by
For anyone who has suffered a heart attack, you'll know how difficult it can be to get back on your feet. Not only do you have to make lifestyle changes to prevent the risk of another heart attack, there are emotional as well as physical demands on your body. It's not just a matter of surviving a heart attack; it's the effects a heart attack has on your life that can be just as big a problem.
Depending on the severity of a heart attack, the options open to someone will be very different. A major heart attack will mean some huge changes to your current day-to-day routine, while a milder heart attack will offer a bit more leeway. However, any kind of heart attack is a serious warning about your overall health, and the need to make life changes to prevent one from happening again.
Medical Aftercare One of the first things that will happen is that you will need to go for more regular check-ups at your doctor or family physician's. Here you will get advice about how to reduce the chances of a follow-up heart attack - unfortunately, people who suffer a heart attack are 50% more likely to have another one within 12 months if they don't make changes to their lifestyle.
You'll be encouraged to give up smoking if you haven't already; what to eat, and what to avoid, will also be covered; and you may even have to go on a heart attack prevention course of medication. These can include drugs to control blood pressure, as well as anti-stress medication. Anything that controls the symptoms of a heart attack will be covered with your medical follow-up.
Normal Activities Although you'll probably want to get back to normal as quickly as possible, the very fact that you've suffered a heart attack will prevent this to some degree. Depending on the severity of the heart attack, it's likely that you will be fine for walking after a week or so. However, other day-to-day activities such as sexual intercourse or driving may have to wait a few weeks more, to make sure there are no complications or follow-up chest pains.
Changes to the Family Life Perhaps the biggest hurdle anyone that suffers a heart attack needs to overcome is the emotional and psychological effect it has. This isn't just on you, either - your family and loved ones will have gotten just as big a scare as you by your heart attack. So it's only natural that they may act differently around you - more refrained, for example.
You need to ensure that they know that you realise it's been a shock, but together you can ensure that it's less likely to happen again. By getting everything in the open, and discussing the reasons for your heart attack, it will make sure that everyone is in a better position to help you prevent what caused the heart attack in the first place.
Talking about it will also enable you to get back to normality quicker. One of the biggest problems after a heart attack is depression, and fear that you'll suffer another heart attack. Having the love and support of your closest friends and family will help you through this difficult period, and hopefully prevent future symptoms or heart attacks from happening again.
About author Kevin REILLY:Having a heart attack can change your life- I had one 4 years ago at the age of 42. Join the FREE newsletter called Heartbeat Enews for information on how to deal with it or if you want to tell your own story to inspire others. Visit http://www.heartbeatenews.com/advertising.htm
The Swedish chap who was the presenter chap for them on the Eurovision. Anyways, who cares who won?! Look at him. Fucking b-e-a-utiful. Brown eyes, check. Brown hair, check. Foreign, check. So he's all perfect for me already? Oh holy mother, I can't get over him. Have a stare at these..
Labels: eric saade eurovision sweden
Friday, May 28, 2010
Hello blog friends, TGIF. As usual, I'm very glad it's Friday. I'm looking forward to the long weekend since we are celebrating Memorial Day here in the States. I plan on relaxing, reading and B-B-Q'ing at home with hubby and the kids.
One of my favorite TV shows came to an end this past week. LOST was the show I always looked forward to watching and I was very sad to see it end. I enjoyed the combination of action/adventure/science fiction/romance the show exhibited. I liked all the characters and getting to learn more about their complicated and flawed backgrounds. The series finale was fantastic, as I watched teary eyed, I was very happy with the way it was all wrapped up.
Oh my gosh, when Jack died at the end, laying down on the sand like that, I couldn't help but cry. Other moments that made me cry were all the reunions. Charlie and Claire re-uniting and remembering one another. Claire holding her newborn crying and exclaiming 'It's Aaron'. Jack and Kate on the cliff saying 'I love you'. Sawyer reuniting with Juliet. Sayid reuniting with Shannon. I also thought the fight scene on the cliff between Jack and Locke was fantastic and very dramatic. I felt like the series finale was full of emotion and some scenes had me on the edge of my seat. Especially when Jack goes down into the cave. There were some great lines as well in the final episode: You're not John Locke. You disrespect his memory by wearing his face, but you're nothing like him. Turns out he was right about most everything. I just wish I could have told him that while he was still alive. -Jack to the Man in Black
Being a sucker for romance, I always liked the love triangle between Jack/Kate/Sawyer. I liked Jack and Kate together, and was happy that Sawyer ends up with Juliet. Jack was a favorite character from the start, as were Hurley and Sayid.
Kate: Why did you take the job, Jack?
Jack: Because I was supposed to.
Kate: Why? Because some stranger wrote our names on a wall?
Jack: I took it because the island's all I've got left. It's the only thing in my life I haven't managed to ruin.

Thank goodness for Netflix, I'll be rewatching my favorite episodes. I will definitely miss Sawyer's sarcasm and funny remarks, not to mention his rugged good looks. Damn!
And I will miss Jack and Kate always running to and from each other.
How about you? Are you a fan of LOST? What did you think of the finale?
Enjoy your weekend! What are you up to?

Labels: rihanna