I only wrote my previous blog yesterday, and the fucking drama it has caused is unreal. It humours me really, all these people assuming it's about them - it obviously just proves the point, that they think that of themselves? And you know my friends, being so tough and hard, they UNFOLLOW ME. They say all this over the internet, none of them could even RING ME! Cowards.
And what happened to free speech? I'm here getting abuse hurled at me on formspring and twitter, I'm getting abuse on other people's pages and I've basically just lost about 5 friends, when there's actually no proof I wrote the blog about them. It just shows I was right a few days ago, when I tweeted that I have some really shit friends. And tbh, these friends won't be missed. Yeah, I had good times with them but if they go and do this, they can hump right off.
If one person doesn't like me - they go out of their way to make my life hell and try and get other's against me. The minute I wrote this blog, they ring up the people, they assumed who it was about - and said it was about them?! Sorry, but I kind of WROTE the blog. It all came from MY head.
I'll end this on the note, that I don't give one fuck what people think of it. If you agree - great, if you don't - your opinion.. just abuse me over my opinion? Fucking sad. And keep in mind I'm getting twice as more POSITIVE feedback compared to NEGATIVE, so if you're going to slag me, I'll forget about it once you say it. You're just wasting your time.
To those of you who read my blog, and accept I have the freedom of speech, thanks for reading! :)