Friday, May 28, 2010
Hello blog friends, TGIF. As usual, I'm very glad it's Friday. I'm looking forward to the long weekend since we are celebrating Memorial Day here in the States. I plan on relaxing, reading and B-B-Q'ing at home with hubby and the kids.
One of my favorite TV shows came to an end this past week. LOST was the show I always looked forward to watching and I was very sad to see it end. I enjoyed the combination of action/adventure/science fiction/romance the show exhibited. I liked all the characters and getting to learn more about their complicated and flawed backgrounds. The series finale was fantastic, as I watched teary eyed, I was very happy with the way it was all wrapped up.
Oh my gosh, when Jack died at the end, laying down on the sand like that, I couldn't help but cry. Other moments that made me cry were all the reunions. Charlie and Claire re-uniting and remembering one another. Claire holding her newborn crying and exclaiming 'It's Aaron'. Jack and Kate on the cliff saying 'I love you'. Sawyer reuniting with Juliet. Sayid reuniting with Shannon. I also thought the fight scene on the cliff between Jack and Locke was fantastic and very dramatic. I felt like the series finale was full of emotion and some scenes had me on the edge of my seat. Especially when Jack goes down into the cave. There were some great lines as well in the final episode: You're not John Locke. You disrespect his memory by wearing his face, but you're nothing like him. Turns out he was right about most everything. I just wish I could have told him that while he was still alive. -Jack to the Man in Black
Being a sucker for romance, I always liked the love triangle between Jack/Kate/Sawyer. I liked Jack and Kate together, and was happy that Sawyer ends up with Juliet. Jack was a favorite character from the start, as were Hurley and Sayid.
Kate: Why did you take the job, Jack?
Jack: Because I was supposed to.
Kate: Why? Because some stranger wrote our names on a wall?
Jack: I took it because the island's all I've got left. It's the only thing in my life I haven't managed to ruin.

Thank goodness for Netflix, I'll be rewatching my favorite episodes. I will definitely miss Sawyer's sarcasm and funny remarks, not to mention his rugged good looks. Damn!
And I will miss Jack and Kate always running to and from each other.
How about you? Are you a fan of LOST? What did you think of the finale?
Enjoy your weekend! What are you up to?