Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Jill over @ Random Ramblings hosts Top Ten Picks:
Top Ten Picks is a meme here in Random Ramblings where I would be posting just about that -- my top 10 picks! Every week, there will be a different and specific topic given. I will then choose 10 of my picks from that given category, create the list, and post them up here!
This weeks topic is Best Villains:
For this week, the topic is on Best Villains. Of course, since we are talking about villains here, they can't possibly be anyone's" favorite." I mean, who could have a 'favorite' villain? Instead, I ask you, who are the fictional characters that aggravated you, pissed you off, and/or just plain scared you. In other words, in your opinion, who are the most effective, when it comes to playing the role as an evil antagonist?
For this topic, we can include characters from multiple -- and unlimited -- sources; books, TV, films, plays, etc. This was in order for a change, based on their levels of 'effectiveness' a.k.a "Who Scared Me The Most?!"
The funny thing is, I've always liked fictional villains in books and films. They make things interesting. Without the villain, the story would be boring. And villains always have the best lines in movies and books. A good villain is unforgettable. Here's a few of my favorites from both film and literature.
10. Annie Wilkes from Stephen King's Misery.
Obsessive fan/psychotic nurse Annie Wilkes holds her favorite author Paul Sheldon captive in her remote home. The movie is fantastic, but the book is better. The book is classic King at his very best. Crazy Annie seems so sweet at first, until she shows her true colors and begins to torture Paul. Plus the creepy way Annie likes to avoid curse words....YOU! YOU DIRTY BIRD, HOW COULD YOU! ...made me both laugh and cringe.

9. Severus Snape from the Harry Potter series.
I liked Snape from the start and did hope he turned out to be a good guy. I liked his storyline and always thought he was just a bit misunderstood.

8. Ursula from The Little Mermaid
I know she's a cartoon character, but she's one of my favorite villains. And when she sings....
You'll have your looks! Your pretty face! And don't underestimate the importance of body languaaaaaage! I can't help but sing along.

7. Heathcliff from Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights
This is one of my favorite classics. When I first read it I was surprised that Heathcliff was a villain. He's cold hearted and wants revenge, and it fascinates me how he could possibly love another.

6. Hannibal Lecter from The Silence of the Lambs
I think he's so terrifying because he's a genius. The type of man you could have a fascinating conversation with right before he has you for dinner.
A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti.

5. Jack Torrance from Stephen King's The Shining
What is scarier than an alcoholic father and husband who is slowly going insane? Nothing. Both the film and the book were fantastic. I still get the chills when the mom comes to find the 'novel' that Jack has been writing for months, only to find a stack of pages with the words All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy typed over and over and over....

4. Det. Alonzo Harris in the movie Training Day
Denzel Washington plays a bad-ass villain in Training Day. He's a crooked cop who
takes his rookie partner out on his first day on the job and basically scares the crap out of him, nearly gets him killed, gets him drugged up and tries to involve him in his own criminal activities. He's the villain you love to hate.
It's not what you know, it's what you can prove.

3. Norman Bates from Psycho
The guy seems like an average, everyday nice guy who just has an overbearing mother.
Think again! I think what makes him so terrifying, besides that he's nuts, is that he seems so mild mannered and shy.
We all go a little mad sometimes.

2. Darth Vader from Star Wars
Yes, Darth Vader, don't laugh at me :) I like that he is a multidimensional character, he's got an interesting storyline. Born Anakin Skywalker, he wasn't always evil. He was a good son, he fell in love and he was married, all before turning to the dark side.
Luke, I am your father.

1. The Other Mother in Neil Gaiman's Coraline
Those buttons for eyes creeped me out. And the way she tried to seem human, while trying to convince Coraline to stay with her was very scary. You know something's not right from the get go.
'It sounded like her mother. Coraline went into the kitchen, where the voice had come from. A woman stood in the kitchen with her back to Coraline. She looked a little like Coraline's mother. Only...
Only her skin was white as paper.'

Those are my top ten villain picks. I've left hundreds out....here's a few honorable mentions: Dracula, Cthulhu, Sauron from The Lord of the Rings, Voldemort from the Harry Potter series, The Wicked Witch of the West in The Wizard of Oz, the Alien in Aliens and Gollum from LOTR.
What are some of your picks for Best Villains?
*interesting link: 50 greatest villains in literature*

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