Sunday, May 30, 2010

Vaginismus or Muscular Contraction usually causes serious problems causing marital relationships, most often, feelings of great guilt and frustration. In this article we will discuss the causes of vaginismus and one of the most appropriate therapies.

What is vaginismus?

Painful spasm of the vagina, causes the vagina to close; usually an anxiety reaction before coitus or pelvic examination. It is a muscle contraction that affects many women in their relationships and which often has very little information. It consists of an involuntary reflex contraction of the vagina so that there is an inability to have relation with penetration. The contraction in most cases may be unconscious, that is, women will not even notice the tension in the vagina or the muscles and manifested simply because when you go to attempting intercourse is impossible.

Vaginismus otherwise be total or partial, i.e. there may be a total contraction of the vagina to minimal external stimulation of the same, or may occur only close part of it so that can occasionally be penetration but in a way that can be painful or uncomfortable for both the man and the woman.

Causes of vaginismus

When relational dysfunction is not too well known, often is unknown why this problem can occur in women. Causes may be many such as:
* Having had an education over strict or puritanical about relation, which ends up looking like something dirty or fear to be used by men. Usually this occurs in very traditional in that there is good communication about relation between parents and children.
* Simply for fear of pain that can cause breakage of the hymen. In women of her friends have been able to lose their virginity before them, often speaking or comments about the first time. If they hear about experiences are painful for ruptured hymen can create a fear of relation for harm posed and eventually can cause vaginismus.
* For past bad experiences about relation, and not for comments or what you may have heard, but having lived events that do view relation negatively. It bears much the victims of relational abuse, rape, or simply when there has been some psychological pressure to have the first relationship when she was not really prepared for it.
* Also can sometimes be related to some kind of complex, insecurity or fear of rejection, and not only related to intercourse itself, but by the assessment that the other party can do about the body.

Does the vagina have a solution?
Fortunately vaginismus is a problem you can fix and in fact it's pretty easy to address from relation therapy. After all, the vagina has the advantage of having great flexibility, but through proper training and some specific exercises can be getting the expansion sufficient to achieve penetration without discomfort, facilitating the elimination of misconceptions about relation and spatially enable women to enjoy their relation.

As we say most recommended to overcome the issue is going to a relation therapy and gradually with various exercises to learn to have control over the muscles of the vagina. These therapies are not usually too long, in fact usually the shortest person ever to do your part and take the time to do different exercises, but passing time can range between 8 and 16 sessions, approximately.

What is therapy?
Therapy to overcome vaginismus has clear guidelines and consists of three types of exercises that are explained as you progress in them and that would be:

* Exercises from masturbation to relation with another person, the beginning is very important to feel comfortable with their relational activities. In such situations one is more relaxed because they fear rejection or the frustration that can occur with the other, and therefore can learn to locate the muscle tension that causes vaginismus and gradually relax certain body parts and enhance dilatation of the vagina.

* Hetero-masturbation Exercises: Exercises to learn to do yourself, then have to be implemented with the other person, for the factor of anxiety that can be due to the presence of the couple lose strength and you can feel relaxed and enjoy each other.
* Coitus: finally made relevant exercises in each of these phases, the goal is simply stated and the problem is far from preventing a relationship between two people.

As mentioned the key message I want to contribute to this article is so you can learn more about this problem that unfortunately affects many women today and that is not seen as a prohibited or an impossible problem to tackle, his passing is simple and successful by following the guidelines.


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