Monday, May 31, 2010

title: Sex and the City 2

release date: May 2010

genre: romance, comedy, drama

cast: Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Kristin Davis, Cynthia Nixon

rated: 4 out of 5

I went to see Sex and the City 2 with the girls on opening night. Being a fan of the show, I was eagerly waiting for this one.

Carrie Bradshaw has been married to Mr. Big for two years. She is worried that they are turning into a boring old married couple because Big likes to stay home and watch TV instead of going out on the town. Charlotte is dealing with her daughter's terrible two's and is worried her hubby is going to have an affair with the nanny. Miranda has a boss who doesn't respect her and she struggles between being at work and being at home with her family. Samantha is going through menopause. She just got an all-expense-paid trip to Abu Dhabi and wants to take the girls with her.

So the girls go to the Middle East and wind up getting into some hot water of course, mostly due to Samantha's behavior. Carrie runs into an ex...what are the odds of that happening? Oh well, I still enjoyed it. This movie was funny, had some great scenes and I'm glad I went to see it.

One thing I always liked about Sex and the City the series is that it really celebrated female friendship. I also enjoyed the fashion on the show. It's great to see that the two films based on the hit show, are really very good. The first Sex and The City movie came out 2 years ago, and was equally fun and sassy.

What about you? Are you a fan of the show? Will you watch the film?


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