Monday, August 9, 2010


Yesterday I was incredibly hungover and as I walking back from my friend's house at around 4pm, I decided to take a trip to the park allocated near my house - and to enjoy the wonderful glories of nature. That park, is Marley Park. It's amazing, so anyways... I sit down with bottle of Coke and thought. It was the first time in days I had allowed myself to think. This Summer has been more or less boring and draining, but for some reason my own company alone, hasn't allowed the time for me to think. I am an avid daydreamer and I always notice how scarily quick to time goes by when you daydream. So I must of been in Marley for ages. I wrote a few things down in my notebook.. a poem, a sketch etc. I then took random pictures. I'm not a photographer - I will never claim to be. I don't want to study photography and I think the term 'photographer' is thrown around so loosely these days. Anyways, I was taking pictures of random crap basically, taking them upside down.. sideways.. you get it. And yeah, I like pictures that are a bit, wrong. Does that makes sense? Sure look at the 'mistake pictures' I post, they're creepy looking! And they're all mistakes... well, purpose mistakes nowadays because I've realised how cool they look. So here you go, a few random, pointless pictures I took when completely hungover and in a dazed state.

''Dear Haters...''
''Gigs I've Been To...''
''Essence Make-Up Review''


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