Friday, November 12, 2010

And they want so badly to cut Social Security – some want to eliminate it altogether…by privatizing it.

Beluga caviar is the most expensive type of caviar, with present market prices ranging from $7,000 to $10,000 per 1 kg (2.2 lb) Tell me, how do they think I will be able to buy my Beluga caviar? I like some expensive champagne to go with it but the reality is that I can no longer afford either one. Hell, I can barely put food on my table with the money I get from Social Security.

Sure, I had a chance to save for a rainy day…and I did. I never frittered away my money. I had two pensions that I saw evaporate during the Wall Street crisis in 2008. I was flipping houses; I would buy some run-down house and fix it and then resell. I made out pretty well because I had a good eye and a knack for making the changes buyers wanted. And for the record…I worked my ass off with the remodeling that I did myself with the exception of the plumbing and the electric.

I was fortunate enough that I had the closing of the last house I flipped the day before Greenspan announced that the housing bubble had burst. One more day and I would have lost that house and my good credit. Presently I am just concerned about keeping the house I am living in because I owe almost as much as it is worth. At one point, I could have sold it for close to three times as much.

And you want me to vote Republican?



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