Hi fellow book bloggers and book lovers, today I wanted to discuss something that I'm thinking you might all be able to relate to. Having to deal with the non-reading folk. Now, don't get me wrong, some people that I love and hold dear to my heart are non-readers, like my hubby. There's nothing wrong with being a non-reader. I don't understand it, but there's nothing wrong with it. To each his own.
The difference with my hubby however, is that he doesn't ever question my love of reading. He actually supports it, buys me books and even asks me about the book I read, genuinely wanting to know what it was about.
He's the only non-reader in the house, seeing how I've raised both my children to be readers. I did the best I could by reading to them from birth and making trips to the library a regular thing. Sometimes the three of us will lounge on the living room couches, each reading a book. These are moments that I look at my children and sigh happily.
I don't know, maybe I'm just being cranky, but lately it seems I have to justify my being an avid reader to some non-readers.
I'm kind of getting tired of comments like 'you've always got your nose in a book' or 'what are you reading now?', only to lose the questioners interest after I begin to tell them what I'm reading. If you don't really want to know what I'm reading, then don't ask me. This situation mostly happens at work.
I've actually taken to reading in my car during my lunch time at work, because if I sit in the break room the inevitable happens and a non-reader will join me and want to chat. Not wanting to seem rude, I'll put my book away and chat with them over lunch instead of read. But all I really want to do is read! I know, I may be being borderline anti-social, but I can't help myself at times.
Someone, who will remain nameless, and who I love dearly, actually told me that reading gives her a headache.
Oh well, now I've officially begun ranting. Sorry. And thank you for listening. I actually feel better after typing all that...lol.

So, in no particular order, here are my Top 5 Reasons I Love to Read. And I smile knowing that my fellow book bloggers and avid readers can relate to my list plus add their own reasons they love to read.
5. Escapism
I enjoy picking up a book and escaping for a little while within those pages.
I can pick up a Jane Austen novel and go to the English countryside during the 19th century, where Darcy proclaims his love for Lizzie at last. I can read a Philippa Gregory novel and be taken to King Henry's Court in Tudor England, full of drama and backstabbing.
4. Discovering Great Characters
How great is it to read a book and find a new favorite character? These are the characters we don't soon forget.
3. The Waiting
When reading a series, half the fun is waiting for that next book to come out so you can devour it. When I was reading the Harry Potter series, I could barely stand the suspense.
2. Fellow Book Lovers
After reading a book, it's always fun to chat about it with fellow readers.
Whether you enjoyed the book or not, it's great to be able to find others who read it and discuss. The book blogging community is such a huge part of who I share my love of reading with.
Reading to and with my children is a great way to spend family time.
1. Favorite Authors
It's great finding a new favorite author when you least expected to. And it's even better following your old favorites and reading and even re-reading their work.
The internet and book blogging itself has now made some authors even more accessible to us. Not only have I found new favorite authors, but I've been able to chat with them via email and even had the honor of interviewing them on my blog.
It's been great!
Those are my reasons for loving to read, what are yours?