Do they really know deep down that they are not qualified?
This is an opinion: I really think that deep down neither Sharon Angle, Sarah Palin, Christine O’Donnell or Joe Miller; thought that they could be elected to the office they were seeking. I think that they knew it; I think that they are losers that they don’t have the capacity to perform in the jobs they were seeking.
That didn’t stop them and that also didn’t stop those who voted for them. In their world…and it is a very secluded, isolated world, they are right and everybody else is wrong. It is the perfect example of selective reasoning. They surround themselves with people and ideas that only agree with their own. Their philosophies are not just one sided but terribly unrealistic.
Curiously, somebody like Rand Paul, who fits this model, gets elected and we are already seeing the train wreck. When reality sets in; when he is faced with the factual possibility of really performing at a job he is not qualified to do; then all those wrongful assumptions, all the ideology begins to fall to the wayside. We see how Rand Paul is already backtracking on “ear-marks” because it is one reality he will not be able to negotiate and incorporate into his erroneous views of the world.
Same thing happened when he had the interview with Rachel Maddow. I am sure that he thought that he was on solid ground when putting into question the Civil Rights and how he thinks that individual rights of a business owner is more important than the rights of a whole group of people who had been denied the rights that everyone else had as prescribed by our Constitution. Rand Paul got caught in a game of semantics and I think he realized that he didn’t have the intellect to even defend what he stood for because he was not standing on solid ground…and that explains his self imposed isolation from the media as did the others. Sharon Angle, Christine O’Donnell and Sarah Palin all chose to avoid the media and all interviews…that tells us something very significant: that they are not qualified and that they are not ready to face reality. Hell, one of them even hired his own little private army to keep the media from asking him questions.
We are a country where the concept of clarity and transparency is very important and when somebody runs for public office; then they have to “interview” for the job. One of the ways they do that interview is by going on the air…radio, television and the print media and show the people that they have what it takes. When you feel you don’t have what it takes, then you tend to avoid the media…dismiss them as “the liberal media” who is out to get you and to pose “got you questions”.