It is plausible to come out with some very clear conclusions about what Republicans, Teahadists, Evangelical-Fundamentalists and deranged ultra right wing nuts have left us as a legacy:
They have ruined our foreign trade
Destroyed the values of our commodities and products
Crippled our banking system
Robbed millions of our people of their life savings
Thrown millions out of work,
Produced wide-spread poverty
Brought the government to a state of gridlock and inaction with their obstructionism
Labor unions have shrunk to irrelevancy
Divided us along racial lines
Divided us along religious lines
Denied gay Americans the same rights everyone else enjoys
Incorporated Xenophobia and racism into our collective subconscious
Governed by fear
Time and time again they sided with the rich and the corporations at the expense of the poor and middle classes.
Almost decimated the middle class
Weakened and trampled our Constitution
Made DEMOCRACY irrelevant and rendered it dysfunctional
Brought us boorish, disrespectful and uncivil public discourse, smear campaigns, disrespect for our President, lies and exaggerations and worse they followed the teachings and tactics of a very askew and perverse man: Karl Rove.
I can go on and on, but why don’t we stop right here because not just one of those things listed above would be sufficient to turn anybody away from Republicans but they take the cake by being instrumental in bringing us all of those things above and more.
But most importantly, while wrapping themselves in the flag and shouting at the top of their lungs how patriotic they were; at the same time that they were carrying the cross on one hand and the Bible in the other; they claimed divine intervention, patriotic intentions and anybody who dared to disagree was deemed as an unpatriotic traitor and a heretic.
If you don’t see these all or at least a couple of those things then there is little hope for America.