Monday, May 16, 2011

Leona Helmsley, one of the very few super-rich to ever get tried and convicted for not paying her taxes

Not so fast…death yes, paying taxes not so much

Infamous hotelier and rich bitch icon Leona Helmsley once said that “only little people pay taxes” …however, she became one of the very few in that elevated social cast to be brougnt down by scandals and eventually tried and convicted for not paying her taxes…there are thousands of Leonas out there right now…and Leonos too.

If you are part of that mega-rich 1% or a corporate conglomerate you pay nothing or almost nada; that is a fact that can’t be refuted. At the same time, the poor and the middle class keeps getting poorer to the point that Americans, the great majority of them are no better off than those in some third-world country.

These tax-dodgers, these cheaters, these amoral corporations have no sense of social conscience, no scruples, no guilt, no love for their country and absolutely no ethics…they have bought all these politicians…mostly Republicans to do the work of shielding them from regulations, laws and taxes and so far they have won the war…REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH has been taking place for the past few decades.

But that is not enough, no sir…they want more and they are willing to not only spend untold amounts of money to obtain their goal of NO GOVERNMENT so that the end result is a THEOCRATIC PLUTOCRACY. We have seen our democracy being dismantled one piece at a time when it is the opposite that America needs. As a consequence, Democracy is beginning to look more and more like an illusion as the 98% of America goes to the poll to escercise their Constitutional right to vote and their wishes are ignored, their freedoms trampled on and their economic situation is made worse by all these Republican initiatives.

Of course a lot of people still buy into that idea that if you give to the rich it will filter on down; but if that was the case, America should not have any unemployment and would be an enormously prosperous and solvent country. We are at this point, just the opposite…mired with unemployment, deep to our necks in debt and still entertaining the TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS bull shit.

It is time we act, it is time we stop voting for Republicans and while we are at it, if any Democrat is in the pockets of special interests, those too will suffer the consequences of our suffrage rage.




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