Saturday, May 14, 2011

There are few Blacks, Hispanics, Gays, seniors, Secular-Progressives, Women pro-choice and Labor Union members who claim to be Republicans…WTF?.

Oh, sure you will find some…few and far between who are anomalies, true contradictions like the Log Cabin Republicans and even some Black Republicans; these may be self loathing, misguided and confused individuals who betray their heritage in favor of mercantilism or social status.

But let us make something very clear here; when you look at the Republican Convention all you see is white faces, all you find is hard-core, fanatical Fundamentalist Christians. The special interests that really own the Republican Party love these misinformed, uneducated and racist people…they play them like violins.

The Republican-Teahadists hate it when they are called on their racism and yet it has become the party of the WASPHROMs (White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant, rich old men)

Where are these Republicans going to be come next election? All of these excluded people vote even if they are making it hard for them to exercise their right to vote…they are going to turn out in record numbers because the great majority of Americans are realizing that the Republican party not only does not represent their interests; they are intent on destroying the middle class and all social safety nets as well as Labor Unions.


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