Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Really Random Tuesday is hosted by Suko.

With Memorial Day weekend just having passed, summer has unofficially arrived. We had a busy weekend here with opening up our pool and bbq'ing.

Now, whenever we bbq and invite family over, my sister brings her Morkie (maltese/yorkie), Archie.
Archie is Diego's cousin, but Diego tends to be snooty-patootie and wants to be left alone. Diego is older, he's 2 1/2 and Archie is barely 2 years old.

(My younger sister is a copy-cat and shortly after I got Diego, she decided she wanted a small dog too) But anyway....

Our two dogs are very different, Archie tends to be more hyper and playful, Diego tends to be more laid back. I think deep down inside, my spoiled Diego doesn't believe he himself is a dog, so why play with another dog?

I tried to get a photo of the two of them together, but it was near impossible.

I caught Archie mid-run here:

While Diego was just sitting down and relaxing here:

On a reading note, summertime does make me want to sit out on my back porch with a nice cold glass of something, iced green tea preferably, and a good book. Which is just how I've been spending these past few afternoons.

Currently reading:

Forever by Judy Blume.

Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll.

Under The Dome by Stephen King

Losing Beauty by Johanna Garth.

I know that seems like a lot of reading, but I'm nearly done with Through the Looking Glass and Forever. I'll finish up Losing Beauty next while Under The Dome will probably take me a few weeks to get through.

I will say, I'm enjoying all of these books.

That wraps up my Really Random Tuesday post for this week. Thanks for stopping by.

What are you up to? What have you been reading?


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