It appeared in my right-wing, local newspaper
It goes without saying that our Fort Lauderdale newspaper loves to publish anything and everything right-wing. The letter, I am not even going to mention the name of the writer for I don’t care to give credit to such a Republican-Teahadist asshole…but this is basically what it said:
“I’m mad as hell! I’m tired of the government taking my hard-earned money and giving it to other people. I’m tired of hearing how he’s entitled to this and she’s entitled to that.
And I’m tired of people looking to the government for answers instead of looking in the mirror. If you think we should give half of our paychecks to the welfare line, then go ahead and use your money as such. You have the right to make that choice, but don’t force it upon our citizens.
The foundation of our country is built upon rebellion and personal independence. Now tell me, just how does this entitlement mentality fit in? If you want to change your life or help others change theirs, then do it, just don’t begrudge me if I choose to spend my money elsewhere. That is my right (or at least it should be)”
There are a lot of things wrong with this way of thinking…where could we start?
Most Americans are sick and tired of having our government take our money and giving it to undeserved wealthy folks who don’t need it or to subsidies to corporations that don’t deserve it…while they are basking in the prosperity that their profits are bringing.
Some of the things this person begrudges are entitlement that we, the American people have a right to claim because we, as taxpayers pay for it and like Social Security it is taken out of our paychecks only to have the government “borrow” it to make it insolvent.
I think that this person should also look in the mirror as to who is responsible for some of us being in the horrific financial situations we are in…you see, it is because of assholes like this who keep voting for Republicans who will fuck up the economy and get us into unnecessary wars that we are in this mess…so don’t wash your hands of the damage you have done mister.
Very important thing: This country was born out of the need for more compassion, for experimenting with a very noble concept of participatory democracy and it is precisely people like this who are destroying this whole experiment…and yes, you have to spend your money for the common good because you don’t live in a Plutocracy yet…getting close to it, but not yet.
Lastly; REBELLION eh? I suppose that is why you like to exercise your 2nd Amendment rights so that you can rebel when things don’t go the way you want at the polls.