Did you ever wonder what the Republican-Teahadists would do if they gained control of both houses of Congress and the Presidency?

You don’t need to guess or speculate anymore; the recent initiatives by Republican Governors and those in the House of Representatives give us but a very clear picture. On the one hand, there are Governors in Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio and Minnesota that are trying their best to dismantle all of the hard-gained labor rights. On the other you have some other Governors that are pushing a right-wing, culture war agendas in their states that put in very serious question the Constitutional rights we all have including our right to vote...as Republican-Teahadists make all these new restrictions on voting so that it would be more difficult for minorities to vote...does that sound like someone who is patriotic and values DEMOCRACY?
We are also witnessing a massive push to reaffirm racism and xenophobia. Homophobic initiatives are right behind and all that talk about “big government is bad” goes out the window when it comes to protecting and giving rights to minorities and giving government access to our bedroom…a moral police, a religious originated set of values that most of Americans do not adhere to.
Then you also have a Republican-Teahadist controlled House of Representatives that is not just obstructing and sabotaging any efforts for an economic recovery…they are actually pushing Draconian cuts on all of our safety nets and systematically increasing the number of unemployed in America.
It is now abundantly clear what these traitors would do…yes, I call them traitors because if you destroy the middle class you are also destroying America…and I don’t think I would like to live in that America of theirs.
And yet, there is hope; we have seen how in Wisconsin there has been a real, honest-to-goodness grassroots movement to reject that Governor’s assault on Labor Unions. These are real grassroot movements my friends...not contrived and fabricated by big KOCH-OROACH money and other special interests like oil and insurance. The recalls are under way and the voters according to all polls, even the right wing ones indicate that Republicans are a hard sell and will not get elected to office.
It wasn’t enough that we had an incompetent President who lied to us to get us into an unnecessary war that cost America lives and treasure. It wasn’t quite clear that it was the Republican’s pervasive and systematic elimination of regulations that contributed to our economic crisis. It still remains as a debate whether giving money to the rich will filter down into the other 98% of the bottom on the food chain. Of course; the Republicans keep insisting in extending all these lewd and immoral tax cuts for the rich and go a step further: they actually want to lower even more their taxation…knowing full well that it will reduce revenues and worst yet that the rich and the corporations will hoard it.
Yes my friends, I am hopeful…I am confident that demographics are not in the Republican-Teahadists favor; nor are they gaining any friends and influence by systematically excluding Blacks, Hispanics, Gays, Seniors, Women, Labor Unions, Secular-Progressives and others…when added all together all of these people make up a very impressive majority and they will vote…