Friday, May 27, 2011

Alan Grayson explains the Republican’s idea of Medicare…he was right you know…they are now trying to end it.

They no longer hide their agenda…it is out in the open now.

It is ironic that the Republicans won the votes of many seniors because they promised them that they would “SAVE” Medicare. It is appalling that their battle cry during the 2009 Town Hall Meetings disruptions they would shout out “DEATH PANELS” and it is “ALL ABOUT JOBS”.

Fast forward to the present and we can clearly see what all of that meant: zilch, nothing, nada; as a matter of fact, the Republicans are doing just the opposite of what they ran on in the last elections. Jobs? They haven’t created any and perhaps prevented the creation of hundreds of thousands by adopting an adversarial stance against any attempts at recovery and improving the economy…the party of NO, “so be it” and “Government is too big” has now shown its true colors.

Let us not mince words here, the Republicans campaigned in 2010 on jobs, deficits and health care and won big time…people were misled, they believed the Republicans and now they have buyer’s remorse because it was all an act, a scheme to get elected and now that they have the majority of Congress and a few governorships Republicans have embraced a very different agenda, they are really singing a different tune and one that is painfully off key; one that could easily be called the FUCK You Agenda Song. If you are wealthy or a large corporation, nothing but sweet music to your ears; as for the rest of us? Only a somber atonic "FUCK YOU."

The Republicans are no longer even trying to discreetly hide their radical agenda. The Republicans shamelessly are going after anyone who is not productive, anyone who is dead wood or a burden on society. Why shouldn’t they? After all, Republicans are the surrogates of the very wealthy and the powerful corporations; in that world, seniors, and all those not able to work are considered superfluous, a burden on the society and have to be done away with…that is what real DEATH PANELS are like.

Conversely, health care is also a target because sick people should die quickly and the health insurance companies can’t be deprived of their profits…their ill gotten profits by making money out of people’s misery. These true parasites of society have done a very good job of public relations and while all the other industrialized nations with a grain of compassion and social conscience provides UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE to all its citizens; we here in America think that health insurance is a business and government exists to make sure they continue to make a profit.

Alan Grayson explains why the GOP loves the Ryan plan to kill Medicare

By Jules Siegel

They have made us igno­rant and they have made us poor. And now the next thing they want to do is to take away our Medicare and our Social Secu­rity. He said that in 2005, and it’s taken six year to make it obvi­ous that that’s true. And God bless them, these Repub­li­cans like Ryan, you know, they may be cruel, they may be heart­less, but at least they’re hon­est. They’ve told us exactly what they want to do with the power that they have accu­mu­lated. They want to take away Social Secu­rity and Medicare from our senior citizens.”

what these own­ers want is noth­ing from the rest of us except for cheap labor. And that makes the senior cit­i­zens par­tic­u­larly vul­ner­a­ble to their plans, because the senior cit­i­zens don’t work. So from the per­spec­tive of the own­ers of this coun­try, they’re use­less. Their time in the econ­omy is over and there­fore they serve no pur­pose. But senior cit­i­zens still do vote and they voted in huge num­bers in the last elec­tion, because the Repub­li­cans lied to them, and they told them that the Democ­rats wanted to take away their Medicare. Now they see that the Democ­rats are the only ones pro­tect­ing their Medicare, and Repub­li­cans are out to destroy it. There’s a rea­son why we call Medicare “an enti­tle­ment.” It’s because you’re enti­tled to it. It’s not Medicare any more if you are not enti­tled to it any more. They want to take away the priv­i­lege of Medicare. They want to take away the right to Medicare, and replace it with a piece of paper they know will not be enough to cover the costs of care. And that’s how malev­o­lent they really are. So I will say to senior cit­i­zens of this coun­try: “Now you see the truth. You see their true col­ors. And the only thing you can do about it is turn out and vote for the only peo­ple in this coun­try who are actu­ally try­ing to pro­tect you and your inter­ests: the Demo­c­ra­tic Party.”

If you don’t get it by now, you never will…you are hopelessly in the ranks of the ignorant Fox News and Republican extremism. The Republicans have been on this power trip and systematically destroying the middle class since Reagan, their great mentor and quasi-god. It all reverts back to taking from the poor and giving to the rich…yes, that old, tired and failed philosophy: TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS.


PHOTO SOURCE:,r:12,s:27&biw=1024&bih=603


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