Monday, May 23, 2011

I bet there are a lot of disappointed religious fanatics out there today

As a child I always asked the question: “who made the world” and invariably someone would say: “God made the world” and I had to begrudgingly accept that answer; but as time went by and I started to think a little more…still a child but a precocious one, I did ask then after the answer was given: “And who made God?” This daring, blasphemous question should never come from a God fearing adult, let alone a child, I was told…but I didn’t stop there.

I would talk to my peers and on the same subject I would tell them that everything has a beginning and an end. So that if the world was created then it is in line to be “uncreated”. What I meant to say was that there are possibilities that this earth, this solar system, this universe will not be there for us some distant day…but that distant day, according to astronomers and scientists is so far off in the future that it pales in comparison to the atrocities and the indignities we are perpetrating upon our planet.

Today, as I did a few times in my lifetime…I laugh and I weep at the same time. I laugh because once again the stupidities of those self anointed prophets of doom were proven wrong. I weep because I see that the only thing that mankind has learned from history is that they haven’t learned a fucking thing from history.

I also snicker and laugh inside when I think of all those stupid fools who donated money to that asshole…who is sitting on a hefty $82 million dollar bank account….not so much different than those religions that come to my door every week trying to gain validation and to have me part with my hard earned dollars (what is left after the banks and Wall Street decimated my pension)…only they use the very cruel joke of: “if you believe that ours is the one and only, the true religion and you give us your dough, then you will gain entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven.”

Do you love Jesus? Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn…so whether I do or I don’t it is none of your business and while you are at it…go FUCK YOURSELF PROPHETS OF DOOM!

Illustrations courtesy of VOENIX RISING


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