Wednesday, May 18, 2011


No matter what these religious fanatics say, no matter how much society tries to vilify our sexual orientation…I refuse to do guilt.

Eleanor Roosevelt said: “Nobody can humiliate you without your consent”

I was in one blog reading some of the comments and one of the comments went something like this:

“Coming out will never help. It will only create more problems. Being a born gay is not wrong, acting upon it is. Having male company or being around your own kind for emotional needs and friendship is not wrong, however committing the forbidden is. Learn as much as you can about our deen and try to keep yourselves as clean as possible, for no matter how much you deny one day we will all die and face the Almighty!

All humans on this planet are being tested, sure the test of us gays is probably tougher, but then again the rewards for our patience will be a lot sweeter InshAllah

Well it's how we perceive things. If you think about it from a straight person's point of view, it is easier for him to sin, considering it is more acceptable in this world. If a man does adultery with a woman, society will call it an affair and will look the other way, which makes it easier for them to become more sinful. So you see, the test is equal, it's just a difference of methods. Fact of the matter remains that we HAVE to find a sensible way to manage ourselves, without doubting or creating doubts in others about the hereafter. The thing, first and foremost, should be acceptance of what we are and then what happens in the hereafter if we act upon it. Saying stuff like "if God loves us all equally...why would He not test us all equally?!" this will only keep you in a state of ignorance and denial, but will not change the facts, nor will it change God's mind (na aoozubillah), you can't challenge him. Like for example, when you keep a maid, she has to abide by your rules, if she doesn't, you'll immediately fire her. God is the creator, he is our owner and will do according to the rules he's laid. Now it's up to us to be stubborn about it and live in a state of ignorance, or accept it and mend our ways.

Coming out is NOT a sin! It's just telling the ppl important to u that ur gay! It actually makes u brave enough to accept who u are and giving the ppl u love an actual reason for what u have planned for life and not let them go crazy speculating!

I'd rather come out than be closeted, marry a girl and then have sex with random guys!

Coming out is in no way anything sexual! Coming out does not mean that u hav the license to sleep around with guys! Coming out is just accepting n telling the world who u really are!”

There is just so much wrong with this type of mentality, so askew the ideology that I don’t know where to begin. Let us just start by saying that most religions want and strive to gain total control of their followers; it is their way of obtaining validation and power. If you observe how they demand certain types of behavior from their followers…religion will tell you what to eat, what to wear, how to commune with the Creator…hell, religions will even ask you to mutilate your infants if not later even fly into buildings or strap a bomb on to yourself.

No, I don’t do guilt, and I don’t think the concept of “HEAVEN” is one that I can grasp…neither is “HELL” or the “DEVIL” because at the end of the day, only the Creator has those answers and we are far too ignorant or lack the intellect to understand the immensity of the universe and the concise nature of the Creator. But one thing is for sure, and that I am convinced of…there is no such thing as SIN and whatever lies beyond our biological life spans is anybody’s guess.

But just because I can’t explain things or the origin of them…that does not mean that I have to go out and fabricate all these absurd ideas and outlandish fairy tales…religion, as invented and concocted by man is all wrong and it contributes to human misery…it also makes a lot of individuals very unhappy and frustrated because they will act against their natural instincts and will adhere to the prescribed behavior their religion gives them…that makes for very miserable human beings.


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