Friday, October 17, 2008

Friday Memes

1. Follow the yellow brick road. I love the Wizard of Oz.

2. My camera is something I always take with me on vacation. I like taking pictures and have several photo albums, it's always fun looking through the older ones.

3. To achieve your goals, you must never give up.

4. Whatever I blog about each dayis something I'd like you to know about me.

5. I have a celebrity crush on Matthew Fox. This annoys my husband a

6. Hope floats. That's one of my favorite movies.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to reading, tomorrow my plans include errands and housework and Sunday, I want to relax!


Friday Fun

They say that music can bring out powerful emotions or memories in a person. I know that can be very true for me!

1. What are 5 songs that will forevermore remind you of high school? Well, I graduated in 1994. Gawd. I'd have to say: End of the Road by Boyz II Men, Forever My Lady by Jodeci, Sweet Thing by Mary J. Blige, Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana, November Rain by Guns n Roses and Louder Than Love by TKA just to name a few. I know that's 6 songs.

2. Do you have “a song” with that special someone? What is it and how did it become “your” song? 'You're Still the One' by Shania Twain. The lyrics are great for us.

3. Is there a song out there that just seems to speak to you? I do love anything by U2. Their lyrics and music is so heartfelt.

4. What song just gets you moving and makes you happy? I have a few, but whenever I hear any kind of old school freestyle I can't help but sing along. It's funny how I know the lyrics to so many of those songs. I frequently play my TKA's greatest hits

5. What is your favorite genre of music? I like a wide variety of music.


Friday Five

1. Who frightens you? people with road rage

2. Who regularly surprises you? my children surprise me all the time

3. Who calms you down? my hubby

4. Who inspires you? my mother

5. Who admires you perhaps more than he or she should? that's a toughie, I dunno.



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