Monday, October 27, 2008

Author Margay Roberge has stopped by my blog and kindly granted me an interview. Margay is the author of Nora's Soul , due to be released in November. Read on for the interview.

Welcome to my blog Margay and thank you for taking the time to grant me an interview. Please tell us a bit about yourself.

This is the hardest part of the interview for me as I am much more comfortable writing about my characters than myself. I am a stay at home mother dedicated to raising my two daughters, one of whom is special needs, while balancing my own issues with a debilitating condition, Multiple Sclerosis. My life is a balancing act of parenting, managing medical needs, school issues, and writing time.

Bookworm: Tell us a bit about your book "Nora's Soul". What inspired you to write it?

Margay: I know it might sound trite, but it truly did come to me in a dream - actually two dreams, which were interconnected. It was so vivid, it haunted me and I just had to write it. Nora's Soul is about a young woman who's lost her faith in angels following the death of her brother when she was twelve. But the angels have not forgotten her. Now an adult, on the verge of another personal disappointment, the angels have found her again and begin to plague her, in her opinion. There are two angels who are haunting her, one light (Peter) and one dark (Dante) and they are battling over the ultimate prize - Nora's Soul.

Bookworm: What was the hardest thing about writing this book? How long did it take you to write?

Margay: The hardest thing about writing this book was getting it right. In the beginning, Dante was supposed to be evil, the devil, but along the way, he balked at that role. Soon, I realized that he wasn't evil, just misunderstood. It kind of happened around the same time that he stepped forward and became a larger part of the book rather than just a satellite character and made me realize that he has a greater story to tell and will probably be doing so over another book or two. I have been developing this story for several years now.

Bookworm: Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

Margay: I just really hope they enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Bookworm: Who are your favorite authors and what is it that really strikes you about their work?

Margay: I have a wide range of favorites. I love Julia Quinn because nobody does Regency romance the way she does. I adore Meg Cabot because she writes with such wit and skill in both young adult and adult and switches between the two with such ease. I am a new fan of Stephenie Meyer because she has such a raw talent and really knows how to tell a gripping story and has done her fair share to encourage literacy in our youth. And of course, there's Jane Austen, who did more for the female authors to follow her than perhaps any other, not to mention that it is a truth universally known that any book with the name Jane Austen attached is bound to be an interesting read and will translate well to the movie screen.

Bookworm: Last but not least, if you were stranded on a deserted island, and were allowed to bring 3 items with you, what would they be?

Margay: Only three? Let's see. A book I wouldn't mind reading again and again, something to write with, and my imagination.

Nora's Soul, by Margay Leah Justice, coming soon from Second Wind Publishing, LLC

click here for an excerpt from the book

visit Margay's website:

Special thanks again to Margay, it has been a pleasure getting to know a bit about her and her upcoming book. Nora's Soul sounds like an interesting and inspiring read.


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