Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Letter L

I found a fun meme @ Serena's blog. The idea being that she assign you a letter and you list 10 things you like that begin with that letter.
Serena assigned me the letter 'L'. Here's my list of 10 things:

1. Love Stories: I always enjoy a good love story, whether its a book or movie.

2. Laughing: Laughter can heal the soul.

3. Lenny Kravitz: What a great music artist.

I LOVE this song:

Sing it Lenny!

4. LOST: I'm a big fan of the show.

5. Love Letters: Again, this goes hand in hand with love stories.

6. Library: What better place to spend a quiet afternoon browsing books?

7. Legally Blonde: One of my favorite movies.

8. Little Women: I like the book and the film version of this classic.

9. Lasagna: Yummy.

10. Leonardo Dicaprio: Did you see The Departed, Blood Diamond and Romeo + Juliet ? Nuff said.

If you want to play along, let me know and I will assign you a letter.


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