Saturday, February 21, 2009
Weekly Geeks: A Character Conversation
Many of us have had an opportunity to interview an author, mostly through email, but perhaps even on the phone or in person. In fact, many of you have become experts at author interviews. So this week, let's pretend that we can get in contact with one of our favorite characters and interview them. What would you ask Mr. Darcy if you could send him an email. What would his answers be like? What would you say if you could just call up Liesel or Rudy from The Book Thief and ask them anything? How would they answer your questions? What if you could invite Jo March or Anne Shirley to lunch, what would the conversation be like?
Now, have at it and get making those calls and sending those emails to your favorite characters!

This week, the handsome, the always entertaining Vampire Lestat de Lioncourt has agreed to stop by my blog for an interview.
Some of you may know Lestat from Anne Rice's The Vampire Chronicles.
Read on for my own Interview With the Vampire.
Bookworm: Welcome Lestat, and thank you for stopping by my blog today! Many of my blog readers know who you are, but for those who don't know, can you tell us a bit about yoursef?
Lestat: Well, thank you for having me here. What an interesting concept, book blogging. However I'd much rather be out for a night on the town instead of at home on my computer, no offense of course.
Where do I begin? My name is Lestat. I was born in France in the year 1760. I am a Vampire. And yes, I am deadly.
Bookworm: Oh, that's nice. Um, are you still mad at Louis? For leaving you and then helping Claudia try to kill you?
Lestat: Oh no, as you know I forgave him ages ago. And I quote what I said in The Vampire Lestat
'I had to find Louis. I had to talk to him. In fact after reading his account of things, I ached for him, ached for his romantic illusions, and even his dishonesty. I ached even for his gentlemanly malice and his physical presence, the deceptively soft sound of his voice.
Of course I hated him for all the lies he told about me. But the love was far greater than the hate. He had shared the dark and romantic years of the nineteenth century with me, he was my companion as no other immortal had ever been.'
I do not harbor any resentment towards poor Louis. He simply had many questions that I could not answer at the time. I will always love him.
Bookworm: Interview With the Vampire was made into a film. Tom Cruise is the actor that portrays you in the movie. Have you seen the film? What do you think of it?

Lestat: Yes, I have seen the movie version. It was delightful. I think Tom Cruise was a good choice as any, really. He did the best he could. In reality, I look much, much better than that.
Bookworm: There are several fan sites and groups dedicated to you, you have fans who adore you. Are you flattered or amused by this?
Lestat: Well, you know, these mortals are silly little things. They amuse me so. I must admit I am a tad bit flattered as well. When I was a rock star, I had millions of fans. They loved me. They thought the whole 'vampire' thing was a gimmick. Little did they know.
Bookworm: What do you like to do for fun?
Lestat: I greatly enjoy playing the piano and violin. I play daily. And I love to read. I have a love of literature, mostly the classics.
I also enjoy shopping for clothes, mostly in Paris. As many of my fans know, I love all the latest fashions. (lestat stands up and does a twirl so I can get a better look at his outfit)
Bookworm: Very nice outfit Lestat, I like the ruffled shirt.
Lestat: (grins showing fanged teeth)
Bookworm: Okay, so you like the classics? What are you reading now?
Lestat: I am re-reading Homer's The Odyssey. It is among my favorites. I also have a fondness for JRR Tolkien's work. What a clever mortal! I have tried to read Stephenie Meyer's Twilight, but nearly died laughing-no pun intended. What a silly notion that Edward Cullen would fall in love with that mousey Bella. I am a vampire, I know that could never happen.
Bookworm: What are your favorite tv programs?
Lestat: I don't watch much television, I prefer traveling, reading and good company. But when I do get a moment to watch, I like Survivor because I enjoy all those silly mortals running around trying to survive the wilderness. *wicked laughter* I also enjoy watching American Idol, that Simon Cowell's meanness really is impressive.
Bookworm: Last but not least Lestat, if you were stranded on a deserted island, and could only bring three things with you, what would they be?
Lestat: I like this question! Hmmmmm....a good book to keep me occupied, a hammock, I refuse to sleep on the ground and a boat, to get off the island.
Bookworm: Well, Lestat, thank you so much for stopping by for a chat. It has been fun! And a little scary. But mostly fun.
Lestat: You are most welcomed. Your questions did amuse me for a while. I am off now for a midnight snack, dare to join me?
Bookworm: Sure, sounds like a great idea. Just let me grab my coat and i'll meet you outside. Your car or mine?
Lestat: Mine of course, this way we can drive with the top down.

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