Tuesday, November 2, 2010


About a week ago my cousin who lives abroad and owns a Saab automobile asked me to get some prices and availability on some car parts so he sent me an e-mail with the name of the part and the part number. When I made the inquiry to several places that sell these I just copied and pasted the information he sent me.

Wouldn’t you know it, one of the respondents sent me back the request asking for an English translation. Mind you the only words that were different were: “transmisión and partes”. The numbers for these parts are the same in both languages with a variation in spelling of course. What I would like to know is how different the words are in English that this Tea Bagger xenophobe could not understand.

Mind you, in this case I am the customer and as they say, the customer is always right but put that aside and think that this asshole is willing to forfeit the opportunity of making some profit over his askew concept that everyone should speak English.

Chances are this ignoramus didn’t even finish the 7th grade and he is allergic to eñes and accents…I can imagine what would have happened had my cousin sent me the request in French with a Ç the son of a bitch would have gone into convulsions as he embarked on an acute attack of apoplexy.

If we really think about it; maybe we should even change our numbering system…after all, the numerals we used were given to us by Arabs and aren’t they the ones who attacked us on 9/11? So that 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. should be replaced by:

Or something clever like that. The way I felt was that next this asshole was going to ask me for my citizenship papers.

And don't think these people are not serious or on the level...I knew of a Libertarian turned Tea Bagger now and he told me he was so against government and the post office that he wrote zip codes in Roman numerals.


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