Wednesday, November 3, 2010


But rest assured that this victory of yours was ill gotten. Your goons went out and intimidated people, including falsely arresting reporters; stomping on heads and avoiding questions; your bosses engaged the services of pundits who would present the conservative agenda as desirable and would use lies and distortions to influence the gullible voters. It worked…a lot of them went to the polls thinking that somehow because the economy was bad and there was high unemployment that you represented them and not those special interests and the very rich.

Little do they know that you have absolutely no intentions of even letting them forage for the crumbs that fall from your table because even those you will hoard. Little do they know that the very things they are bitching about are the things that you intend to screw them with and hurt them.

But go ahead and gloat, you are entitled; however, don’t make the mistake that George W. Bush made after the 2000 elections where he didn’t receive the plurality nor did he win that one clean and fair only to have the Supreme Court hand over the Presidency to him. After weeks of totting ballots up and down the state of Florida, hanging chards and statements from that clown Katherine Harris who was Secretary of State of Florida at the time; you finally had to resort to an unbalanced and right-wing laden Supreme Court.

President Bush mistakenly took that to mean that he had a legitimate mandate and had it not been for the attacks on 9/11 he too would have been a one term President like his daddy. He will go down in history as the least intelligent, most inarticulate and incompetent President we ever had.

So don’t think for a moment that you have a plurality. Don’t get any ideas that you are going to alter and turn that Constitution of ours upside down even though you claim to defend it so much. And least of all, don’t even think about turning this country into a theocracy because you would have to do it over our intransigence and obstructionism…if you think you are a master at obstructing; just you wait until you try to pass some of your insane, extremist right wing ideas into legislation…we are going to be there every step of the way to block them and fight you. You have seen nothing yet; when seniors are aware of what you want to do with Social Security, when the general public realizes what you want to do with the meager Health Care reform that just passed; when parents of children in public schools learn of your plans to do away with the Department of Education…well, you have seen nothing yet Teahadist-Republicans.

Furthermore; you don’t know what an angry gay is capable of doing…you can’t take away the rights that everyone else has and you can’t legislate your erroneous interpretations of the Scriptures…the gays will fight even more fiercely than anyone else.

Yes, I know you will put on a show and try to impeach our President but you have no grounds to do so, not like George W. Bush who arguably had 35 legitimate impeachable offenses. So, beware of your ill-gotten gains in the Congress because you are not going to push down our throats your sick and misguided agenda…remember always that we have reason and logic on our side as well as facts and the might of being morally correct.

but most of all remember how awful the taste of tea made with a used teabag.




But beware Republicans because when you will actually get to walk in the halls of Congress; when you actually get to do all those things that have been burning a hole in your brain…it is going to be a disaster not just for America but for yourselves.

When Health Care Reform is either repealed or rendered irrelevant; Medicare and Medicaid gone; when Social Security is altered, retirement age raised and maybe even privatized…the next step is a massive Wall Street failure that will wipe out any and all of our senior’s retirement funds…you are going to see a lot of pissed off old people.

Many are under the impression that only people who are 65 years or older receive social security benefits. As of January 2010, 50,071,000 people are receiving social security, with 35,587,000 who are 65+ years old. You can find out more information here:

This number is significant because if you somehow manage to pull the rug from under them, eliminate and or somehow cheat seniors out of their only means of financial support the consequences could be catastrophic. I can imagine that many, too feeble or weak to fight back will just curl up and die. There will be others who will take to the streets and protest and then there are some, not sure if it will be a factor; but those who have one foot on the grave anyhow and see this injustice then there might be some suicide bombers…a lot of them. Sharon Angle’s Second Amendment solution might be here sooner than we all even suspect.

My advice to you is enjoy it while it lasts…it is going to be a very short victory. We are seeing the decline of the great American nation and you Republicans are leading the way to make it happen. How did we get here you might ask? Well it is all about partisanship, hate speech, obstructionism, divisive lies and baseless accusations, xenophobia, homophobia, religious fanaticism and lastly and most important the encouragement of greed that will do us in.


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