Spanish is evolving
I made an observation about what happens around our language and adapt to new devices available for communication. No, not even wireless phones ... it's mini-computers that are designed to communicate to the user instantly with others.
Of course, such as laptops require that the keyboard takes up little space and actually becomes very cumbersome to type on it. It also happens that the screen is small and inherently limits the number of words that fit.
For this reason and many others, such as the laziness of those who use it has become essential to create a kind of shorthand, yet we see how the combination of the letters QU become K. Thereupon, QUE becomes KE, KIERO, how WANT is now written, It is no longer whether (CHEESE) QUESO possible to spell it that way…it is now KESO. My question is this ... as they have done away with some cumbersome and archaic features of our language ... will the Royal Academy will soon accept these changes?
I do not own an I-POD or even a cordless phone. I have trouble understanding the computer ... I'm from the generation that learned to type on a manual typewriter ... the electric ones had not even made their debut at that time.

I need a keyboard for typing ... I cannot even do it in those notebooks (laptops) because having learned to write in manual machines of yesteryear, these required a strong touch to the keys. Ruthlessly punishing them and I can assure you that I have broken far too many keyboards; fortunately they are not that expensive.
I see people who travel by public transport, in waiting rooms and even in restaurants all concentrated on a small box which usually tends to be black and tiny. I watch them mesmerized, totally detached from reality and what is happening around them.
How ironic is it then when, I realize that people complain about not having lasting relationships and to see a blossoming romance. And I say: "like hell you’re going to have friends or boyfriends if nobody is talking to each other" No wonder then that the schools have been forced to ban the use of these monstrosities.
My youngest daughter who is a lawyer really turned me on to KINDLE; which is actually a great invention because it has available a staggering number of books but much cheaper than buying paper books, though it always cost something. I asked one as a gift of the Magi but apparently she did not catch the hint I dropped.
Spanish is under attack