TGIF everyone. I'm sooooo glad the weekend is here. We actually had more snow here last night and the children lucked out today with a snow day. I did work, but am home already and looking forward to my weekend.
I hope to get some reading and even some crocheting done. Hubby & I rented the movie The Town, so we'll be watching that tonight. I've been wanting to see it.
As far as reading goes, I'm tweaking my review of Blood of My Brother and hope to have it up this coming week. I'm currently re-reading Wuthering Heights and am about halfway through.
I hope you all enjoy your weekend. What are you up to?
p.s. The pic above is of Diego last night after his bath all cuddled up in his towel. He's a good boy and low maintenance...lol...I bath him and clip his nails myself.