For a while now we have been hearing Republicans use certain words and phrases which they think nobody else can pick up as a secret message to pander to their extremist base.

I remember during the Anita Bryant debacle in Dade County (Miami) when she came out and started rambling about keeping our children safe and free from homosexuals who were out to recruit them. Then it was “PROTECT OUR CHILDREN”
Then we began a tortuous road in the so-called CULTURE WAR where the predominant code words were: “FAMILY VALUES” In other words: protect your family from all these left wing evil doers who are out to destroy it. Do you remember (if you were on this earth then) Vice President Spiro Agnew? He had to resign because of gross violations of the law; or how about Dan Quayle who went after a television show because the main character was a single woman? Now, whenever I hear a politician use “family values” or “protect our children” they will automatically lose my vote.
The Teahadist-Republican Right thinks that they have a monopoly on morality, God, patriotism and Free Enterprise advocacy. This ideology that is so hurtful to our country comes wrapped in the flag with a bible under one arm and the Constitution under the other. Ironically, most of these Republicans will time and time again engage in questionable activities like accepting contributions from special interests and then voting in a totally opposite way than that of the constituents’ will. Oftentimes they see themselves involved in sordid sexual affairs and they are the first ones to talk about the importance of the family and to condemn homosexuality while they may be going into a public restroom to proposition an undercover cop.

Their moral compass is not just out of whack but it also displays a kind of hypocrisy that is unparallel. What the Republican party has become is a heaven for xenophobes, racists, white supremacists, homophobes, religious fanatics and for those who nothing more than accumulating material possession and the pursuit of power for personal gain. In a consumer based, material society, the end always justifies the means. It seems acceptable for them to lie, cheat, steal and kill because material accumulation and possession become indistinguishable from virtue. Corporate excess – “irrational exuberance” – gives name to the abandonment of principle for personal wealth.(AT THE END OF LIFE, HE WHO HAS THE MOST TOYS WINS)
List of some Republican code words and phrases--with the real meaning explained:
STATES' RIGHTS = legalized racial discrimination
CIVIL RIGHTS = The concept of equal legal rights; applies to everyone
except gay and lesbian Americans for whom equal rights become "special"
FAMILY VALUES = 1) legalized gender discrimination. 2) A kind of homophobia that is seeking to have discrimination against gay people legalized.
JUNK LAWSUITS = any suit by an individual that demands a corporation be held accountable for their misdeeds
FAITH-BASED INITIATIVES = legally sanctioned child abuse in the name of religion
TORT REFORM = 1) taking away victims' right to sue criminal corporations. 2) putting rich people above the law.
SOCIALISM = Any kind of social program or safety net to help and protect our citizens in time of need; a blanket term for dismissing the idea that government should provide public services (other than for elite interests).
PRO-LIFE, DEATH PENALTY = Really not true to the core of the thought because they kill abortion providers and are so very happy to execute prisoners even if there is a doubt of their culpability. -- A form of punishment not used often enough. Most right-wing Christians long for the day when this is implemented against gays and lesbians.(See "Compassion.") The only time the death penalty is not considered "God's mighty judgment" is when a death row inmate has become a born-again Christian. Then, the death penalty is "unnecessary" and seen as an "impediment to further ministry" by the inmate slated for execution.
DON’T RETREAT, RELOAD = A way of sending a message to the gun totting, NRA and fringe elements within the right wing supposedly coined by half-term Governor and defeated Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin who opposes any firearms control..
ACTIVIST -= Anyone you disagree with. Thus, "activist" judges, "activist" unions, "activist" school boards, and "activist" homosexuals.
AGENDA -= All political objectives you oppose. Democrats, liberals, feminists, gays, environmentalists have "agendas." Right-wing politicians have "hopes" and "dreams" and "godly plans of action." How about the Christian Fundamentalist agenda that wants to convert everyone on earth even if they have to kill them to do so?
BOYCOTT = God's preferred method of social change. If the targeted organization capitulates to a boycott, it is proof of "the power of God to change hearts." However, if a boycott is unsuccessful, it proves the organization being boycotted is "hardened" and "in the grip of the Devil."
BROKEN FAMILIES -- Refers only to divorce and applies to ALL divorces. Families are never "broken" or "shattered" by bad marriages, domestic violence, child abuse, incest, or molestation.
CAREER =The greatest deception ever perpetrated upon women by "radical feminists" and one of the primary causes for The Breakdown Of The Family. Careers for women are "destructive" and "unfulfilling" compared to full-time child-rearing and home education. Women who attempt to balance family and career are seen as "shirking their God-given responsibility" and are responsible for creating another "generation without values."
DECEPTION -- Term describing the state of being a fellow Christian is in if they disagree with you on a social or theological issue. For example, if another Christian holds views that are pro-choice, pro-gay rights, or anti- death penalty, then they are "deceived." If the same Christian makes a logical, reasoned argument for their position, then they are "misled." If the same Christian also makes a Scriptural argument for their
position, then they are "false teachers," "rebellious," and guilty of "twisting the Word." See "Liberal."
FEMINIST = Term (derogatory) for women not sufficiently submissive. Responsible for: neglected children, teenage pregnancy, unemployed males, poor SAT scores, breakdown of The Family even the collapse of the Greek economy.
HATE CRIMES = Do not exist. Just another lie from "militant radical homosexual activists." All of these are “hoaxes” according to Rep. Virginia Fox.
JUDICIAL SYSTEM, ACTIVIST JUDGE -- Varying definitions. When ruling against you, the courts are a sneaky way of subverting the "will of the people". Otherwise, a perfectly acceptable way of enforcing God's Will. An objection voiced by Republicans to vote against Judicial nominees.
PERSECUTION = Suffered if your position on an issue is actively opposed. Examples of "persecution" include investigative journalistic reporting, any lawsuit filed against a church organization by the ACLU, or being yelled at by people you have harassed by fax or phone or misrepresented in your fund-raising materials, reporters asking questions of candidates who are hiding.
MEDIA = No such thing. Always "liberal, secular, biased media." Responsible for teenage pregnancy, illiteracy, sexual addictions, earthquakes, and the breakdown of The Family.
SOCIAL ENGINEERING (syn. social experimentation) = Term for the "activist agendas" of political opponents. Opposite is the "natural God-given plan" as defined only by right-wing Christians.
SPECIAL" RIGHTS = Applied only to gay and lesbian Americans. Refers to marriage, adoption and other rights automatically granted to heterosexuals.
SUPREME COURT = "Activist" when ruling against you. But "evidence of the mighty hand of God" when ruling in your favor, when Clarence Thomas is admitted to the bench or the Court jumps in stopping a recount and appoints a Conservative President, one who did not win the plurality in the popular vote and could have just as well lost had it not been for the Governor of Florida who conveniently was related to him. These Supreme Court Judges will in turn then appoint conservative court replacements.
SUPREME COURT APPOINTMENTS = Varying definitions. A presidential right, if president is Republican. Called "stacking the court" if president is Democrat.There are many, many more but we only have limited space and this post is long enough already.
WELFARE QUEEN = federal handouts to people
VITAL SUBSIDY = federal handouts to corporations
PUBLIC SERVANT = conservative congressmen
CAREER POLITICIAN = liberal congressmen
CLASS WARFARE - any mention of the reality of social class differences gets one accused of engaging in class warfare when in reality the war has already been fought and the rich won it..
LAW AND ORDER = government enforcing laws conservatives like
GOVERNMENT INTERFERENCE = laws conservatives don't like
DEATH PANELS = Something the righties came up with to scare seniors into thinking the government would kill them.
ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT = Anyone not born in this country whether they are here legally or not, they really don’t clarify the difference, boat people conservatives hate
REFUGEES = boat people conservatives like
FAITH = religions conservatives like, another code word is PERSON OF FAITH meaning they are religious fanatics.
SOCIALIZED MEDICINE, OBAMACARE - any attempt at health care reform (c.f., "socialism")
There are many more but this post is long enough already.