I guess most people have read of this by now but I thought I'd mention it too ...
Bill Zeller, Princeton Grad Student And 'Brilliant' Programmer, Dies In Apparent Suicide
Bill Zeller, a Princeton Ph.D candidate and renowned internet programmer, died Wednesday from injuries sustained in a suicide attempt. He was 27. Zeller stunned the programming community with a 4,000-word suicide note detailing a childhood of physical and sexual abuse, which he had never before disclosed to anyone. "I've never been able to stop thinking about what happened to me and this hampered my social interactions," Zeller wrote. "... I wondered what it would be like to take to other people without what happened constantly on my mind, and I wondered if other people had similar experiences that they were better able to mask." ....
You can read his note at the linked story above. I've just read the note myself and I recognize some of what he's feeling in my own life. This can't help but remind me of the thirteen people who are said to have committed suicide due to clergy sex abuse in Belgium (link). I think perhaps many people don't realize how ruinous sexual abuse can be to the whole of a person's life ... maybe someone should send Bill Zeller's note to the Curia.