- Data
There's a post by Kelvin Holdsworth, the Provost at St. Mary's Cathedral in Glasgow, that struck me tonight. At the top of the post was a photo of Kelvin's cat Tilly who had just passed away. She looked almost exactly like my cat Data, who died a few years ago in January and of whom I dreamed last night.

Here's part of what Kelvin wrote ....
I’ve known many people ask whether their animals have souls or go to heaven, even people who are uncertain of their own attitude to their own mortality and what lies beyond. For those who have loved and bonded with an animal its hard to imagine that heaven could be heaven without them. Several of those who knew Tilly have volunteered the opinion this week that she’s likely to be sitting impatiently by the gate of heaven waiting. If she is, St Peter should mind his ankles.
The last couple of weeks have been a horrible start to the new year. However, my deep sadness at losing Tilly has to be matched by a sense of thankfulness for the life she lived and the companionship that we shared. She was never happier than playing with wool and I choose to remember her wearing a strand as an Easter bonnet as pictured above.
Actually, the truth is, she was only really engaged in playing with wool if I was at the other end of it.
For that, and for countless other reasons, she is very much missed and the tears have been many.
Miss you, Data.