There, why don’t we show it again
yeah like we should have apologized to BP Oil for the Gulf catastrophe as they did.
I for one, don’t intend to let this one go. Damned be Limbaugh and Palin and the rest of the purveyors of lies; but they have to realize that even if they are making money out of being outrageous their words have consequences. Instead, we should all, as a collective body express our disapproval; tell these opportunists that their days of vitriol are over…we, the American people are no longer going to believe them nor are we going to give any credibility to what Fox News tells us…We must repudiate them, it is as simple as that.
They had the American people believe that the war in Iraq was reasonable, just and kept us safe from WMDs. So now we should apologize for them telling us lies? What about the four thousand plus American lives that were lost as a result of Republican lies? Do I have to apologize for that too?
Our country was on the verge of a total financial collapse…it almost went belly up…Some of the actions taken prevented a total meltdown but they also bailed out some of the Republican cronies who are super rich and some of the corporations that created the problem in the first place…while their high echelon of officers retired with a portfolio of generous severance packages and obscene bonuses…shall I apologize for this too…did we create this problem or did the Republicans by eliminating regulations and rewarding companies with subsidies and tax breaks to take their manufacturing elsewhere. Tell me Republicans, do I need to apologize for the financial meltdown also?
Good article Nutwood Beth linked on FB by PZ Myers HERE. Excerpt and quotes below:
What we have here is an attempted assassination of a politician by an insane crank at a political event, in a state where the political discourse has been an unrelenting howl of eliminationist rhetoric and characterization of anyone to the left of Genghis Khan as a traitor and enemy of the state…and now, when six (including a nine year old girl) lie dead and another fourteen are wounded, now suddenly we're concerned that it is rude and politicizing a tragedy to point out that the right wing has produced a toxic atmosphere that pollutes our politics with hatred and the rhetoric of violence?
Screw that. Now is the time to politicize the hell out of this situation. The people who are complaining are a mix of lefty marshmallows whose first reaction to the fulfillment of right-wing fantasies by a lunatic is to drop to their knees and beg forgiveness for thinking ill of people who paint bullseyes on their political opponents, and right wing cowards who are racing to their usual tactic of attacking their critics to shame them into silence. This is NOT the time to back down and suddenly find it embarrassing to point out that right-wing pundits make a living as professional goads to insanity.
If a Detroit Muslim put a map on the web with crosshairs on 20 pols, then 1 of them got shot, where would he be sitting right now? Just asking. - Michael Moore
A physician cannot treat an illness s/he willfully refuses to diagnose. Violent political rhetoric is not fault of "both sides." - Tom Tomorrow
Inspiring that our media pundits are so quick to reach for "everyone's to blame" when no conservative events have been terrorized by gunmen. - Jeffrey Feldman
Weird: right-wingers say movies, video games affect behavior -- but real world violent rhetoric from leaders & radio talkers have NO impact! - Tom Tomorrow
Jared Lougnner: drug arrests, too crazy for Army or for college or anything else, but getting a legal gun? No problem. - Tom Tomorrow
I find it abhorrent that Sarah Palin would stoke the coals of extremism with dangerous messaging, then delete it when something bad happens. - Jason Pollock
Sure, Sarah Palin didn't pull the trigger. But then, neither did Charles Manson. - auntbeast
Christina Taylor Green was Born on September 11, 2001, and killed today by terrorist fuckheads in Arizona. Irony much? - geeksofdoom
Sarah Palin rummages online frantically erasing her rabble-rousing Tweets like a Stalinist trimming non-persons out of photos. - Roger Ebert
I'll say this, if your first instinct after hearing about a tragedy is to scrub yr websites, you have a problem as a political movement. - digby56
CNN's Dana Bash says "this could be a wake-up call." THIS ... ? The whole Tea Party, carrying guns to rallies WASN'T?? - hololio2
Teaparty asses have been asking for this to happen, and how they're pissed off that we're calling them out on it. - TLW3STOP SAYING"BOTH PARTIES"!! The Left has not been advocating Violence. @CNN assholes. - YatPundit
Do not sit there cowering, trying to make excuses for teabaggers and violent morons. This is supposed to be the part where you stand up, look at the shouters on the other side, and tell them, "This is wrong, and this is the harm you bring to our country." Instead, I see a rush to postures of submission.
There is little doubt that the imagery of Sarah Palin's CROSSHAIRS ad had a violence message. She meant it because she even reinforced this with the "don't retreat, reload" statement. Whether it was a direct call for violence or just a subliminal message really doesn't matter...what is important is that someone who could have been Vice President of our country, was a Governor of a state and could have just as easily won the nomination to run for President in 2012 would use such a despicable type of imagery. No, we are not going to let this one go.