Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Really Random Tuesday is hosted by Suko.
January is coming to an end and we are in the midst of a deep freeze over here. Last week my kids had two snow days since the white stuff fell in the beginning and in the end of the school week. We're expecting another snowstorm tomorrow as well.
I love how pretty untouched snow is, but it does get tiresome after a while with the shoveling, commuting in it and the freezing temps. It was -3degrees yesterday morning as I drove to work. I'd give anything to be on a tropical beach right about now sipping my drink and reading a book.
I've been hibernating at home most weekends and evenings now and reading or playing Angry Birds on my iTouch :)
If any of you play this game, you know how addictive it is.
Another thing I've been busy with lately has been changing my blog look.
I've had my book blog for almost 4 years. Can you believe that?
Anyway, for those who may not know, my blog looked like this:
I created this new blog header myself and finally upgraded my template on Blogger.
Another thing I realized, my profile on blogger finally works. I gave a little squeal of joy when I saw this last week. My profile had been a broken link for years. I contacted blogger several times to no avail, then I just gave up. That's why I always left a link to my book blog when I would comment on other peoples blogs, so they could find me.
Thank you all for the nice comments on my new blog look.
I do have one question for my visitors. Is my blog taking a long time to load?
Teaser Tuesdays asks:
Grab your current read
Open to a random page
Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
I wanted to leave you all with a teaser from a book I'm currently reading as part of a TLC Book Tour. Half in Love: Surviving the Legacy of Suicide is Linda Gray Sexton's powerful and
moving memoir. Linda is the daughter of Pulitzer Prize winning poet Anne Sexton, who committed suicide. A few pages into this moving read, I found myself teary eyed.

After my mother's death, I began to fold myself down into the rich fabric provided by the details of her life, and when I matured into my late thirties, still entranced by her, I first began to admit to myself, on some conscious level, that a legacy of suicide both existed and flourished in the growing muck of my life. It became hard to see beyond the murk. In the thrall of the strong and desperate love we had shared, I began to ask myself where she ended and I began.
Last but not least, I discovered wordsmith.org over @ Carol's blog. You enter a word, then get tons of anagrams for it.
Here's an anagram for my first and last name:
A Nomadic Evil Kin
Does that mean anything? lol
Enjoy your Tuesday everyone, stay warm.

Labels: Really Random Tuesday, teaser tuesdays